- In the bathroom I light a Natural Magic “tranquillity” candle and freshen up with some “intense mineral destress body polish”. 在浴室里,我点燃了一支蜡烛,它具有使环境安静的自然魔力,我涂了点减压的紧致矿物质护肤霜,使自己精神焕发。
- Set includes a 1.7 oz Eau de Toilette Spray, a 2.5 oz Foamy Body Polish, and a 2.5 oz Body Lotion in a signature gift box. 此套装包括1.;7盎司的喷雾, 2
- Kit Contains: Pink Potion Shower Creme - 8oz. tube, Pink Champagne Exfoliating Body Polish - 6 oz. tube, Pink Buttercream Frosting Luscious Lotion - 4 oz. tube. 内有粉红花香深层滋润洁肤霜、粉红香槟幼滑身体磨砂及粉红奶油甜美身体乳液。
- A monster with three bodies that was slain by Hercules. 格里勇被海格立斯杀死的有三个身体的怪兽
- A scientific study of 450 photographs of him has concluded that the Iraqi President has used at least three body doubles to make public appearances on his behalf since 1998. 一个对450张萨达姆本人照片的科学研究得出结论:这位伊拉克总统自1998年以来至少有3个替身代替他出现在公开场合。
- The basic working principle,major technique parameters,major equipment structure,and selection,design,and fabrication of key parts of rotators special for autoclave body polish were presented. 介绍釜体抛光专用转罐机的基本工作原理、主要技术参数、主要设备构成、关键部件的选用、设计和制作。
- Monte Carlo method was applied for simulating plastic deformation wear rate of materials under the three body abrasion using ball like abrasive particles. 根据三体磨损是典型的随机过程这一特点 ;运用蒙特卡罗方法模拟在球形磨料的作用下 ;材料塑性变形磨损的磨损率 .
- This study has four a copybook for calligraphy: Writing Junkai scribe line will be three body three will be appointed will Writing zero auspicious calligraphic works. 学这本字帖有四得:会写楷隶行三体三得;会写吉祥语书法作品一得.
- Paul Vitti: Look at the size of this trunk. You can put three bodies in there. 看看这个后备箱,能装三个尸体。
- Body Polishing Machine for Wall and Floor Tiles 墙地砖用抛坯机及其应用前景
- White Musk Sensual-Soft Body Polish 白麝香柔感身体磨砂
- Fire fighters recovered three bodies from the wreckage of a still burning sugar refinery in Georgia. 在乔治亚州一家食糖炼制厂仍有余火的废墟中,消防员发现了三具尸体。
- Postmortems were to be carried out on all three bodies at Eastbourne district general hospital. 所有这三具尸体的解剖将在伊斯特本地区总医院进行。
- Then,“coverage apogee” condition is applied to trajectory study under planar polar three bodies model. 接着将“远地点可达”概念应用于平面三体模型下的向月飞行的轨道研究;
- Among these three bodies of world myth there are certain themes that recur again and again, raising difficult questions of origin and dissemination. 这三支世界神话当中某些主题的反复出现,提出了起源与传播学上的难题。
- Even the tiniest of babies are massaged with this body polisher, but do be careful if you have a history of allergy to wheat or lentil flour - use rice flour instead. 即使是最小的婴儿也曾被这种面膜呵护过。但请千万注意,如果你有小麦粉或扁豆粉的过敏史,就用米粉来代替。
- The three bodies were flied to the Iranian city of Mashhard. Last month, six bodies of Iranians killed in Marzar-e-Sharif were brought there. 这三具尸体被空运到伊朗城市唛什哈德,上个月曾有六具在马扎里沙里夫被杀害的伊朗人的尸体运到那里。
- At that Hongu Township in Kaohsiung County, in rural doors, Qiaotou Township, and other places have found three bodies of missing persons. 当日上午,高雄县大社乡、内门乡、桥头乡等地相继发现3名失踪人员的尸体。
- Some Halls of Mahavira enshrine the Buddha of Three Bodies, or called Three Buddhas, i.e. Dharmakaya (Absolute Body), Sambhogakaya (Body of Bliss), and Nirmanakaya (Body Capable of Transformation). 三身佛有少数大雄宝殿供奉三身佛。亦称“三佛”。指释迦牟尼的三种佛身:法身、报身、应身。
- Search in the day at the end of a dam collapse in the housing exhumed three bodies of the victims, and then in other places found two bodies of the victims. 当日搜寻人员在坝底一间倒塌的房屋中挖出三具遇难者遗体,随后又分别在其他地方发现了两具遇难者遗体。