- Three bank robberies have happened lately in the city. 这城市最近发生了三起银行抢劫案。
- The three banks in this town will consolidate and form a single large bank. 本镇三家银行将合并组建一个大银行。
- Lieutenant Morgan captured three bank robbers in an empty warehouse. 摩根警长在一间空仓库里抓住了三个银行抢劫犯。
- This week, Iceland nationalized the three banks. 本周冰岛将其三大银行收归国有。
- There are three guards on duty at the door of the bank or three bank guards are on duty. 银行门口有3个站岗的警卫。
- The three banks have agreed to merge their mortgage bank subsidiaries. 这三家银行已同意合并他们附属的贷款银行。
- Only three banks are spending heavily and continuously on television advertising. 现在只有三家银行仍大量投资继续做电视广告。
- What if the proportion of banknote issuance of the three banks in Hong Kong and the two banks in Macau? 香港三家银行及澳门两家银行的发钞的比例是多少?
- Violence intensified in some cities Friday. A mob in Karachi looted three banks and set them on fire, police said. 星期五部分城市的暴力事件升级。警方说,卡拉奇的一群歹徒洗劫了三家银行并放火焚烧这三家银行。
- Apart from the three banks and closely related firms, most Icelandic companies are still standing. 除了这三家银行和与其相联紧密的公司,其他大部分冰岛的企业仍然可以支撑。
- In addition, three banks will also help Albanian government international market refinance repayment 2009 2010 due part external debt. 此外,三家银行还将帮助阿政府际市场进行再融资,于偿还2009年2010年期部分外债。
- Choi Fook century Mall since statement "the three banks", which touched the real killer mace [sha shou consumers is "Fanzu return" marketing methods. 彩福世纪商城自言是“三代人的钱庄”,它打动消费者的真正杀手锏,就是“返租回报”的营销方式。
- Struggling Sanyo had been whittled down by three banks that had bailed it out three years earlier (including a foreign one, Goldman Sachs). 当时正艰难挣扎的三洋已被三年前给与其紧急援助的三家银行(其中包括国外的高盛)所拖累。
- Bank of America transaction, Rohm and Haas to 9.5 billion dollars in financing, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley will provide 13.5 million. A spokesman for the three banks have refused to comment. 美国银行向罗门哈斯交易提供了9.;5亿美元的融资,花旗集团和摩根士丹利则提供了13
- According to the consumer credit Pufa Bank Jinan Branch Director Dr. revealed that the three banks on the fixed rate mortgage products have been reported to the People's Bank of China and CBRC. 据浦发银行济南分行个人信贷中心主任刘森透露,目前3家银行有关固定利率房贷产品的方案已经上报给人民银行和银监会。
- When depositors rushed to get their money out, the Icelandic ban** system had too little reserves to cover withdrawals, so all three banks melted down and were nationalized. 当储户们蜂拥提款的时候,冰岛的银行系统的储备根本不足以支付支取的数额,所以三大银行统统消融然后被国有化了。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- In September this year to the above-mentioned three banks led by Bank of the 18-member group for Dow Chemical 15,400,000,000 U.S. dollars deal to buy Rohm and Haas to provide a one-year bridge loan. 今年9月份,以上述三家银行为首的18家银行所组成的集团为陶氏化学154亿美元收购罗门哈斯的交易提供了为期一年的过桥贷款。
- All of those three banks above mentioned were government-private joint banks with the sharecapital system, they had the functions of provincial bank and operated the business of commercial bank. 上述三家银行均系官商合办的股份制银行,具有地方银行职能,并兼营商业银行业务。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家团聚的场面总是热闹非凡。