- three axle truck 三轴转向架
- Tubes are generally mounted on truck trailer chassis, railroad car beds, or placed at stationary locations when large amounts of helium are needed. 管道一般是安装在拖车底盘或有轨车底座上,或者当需要大量氦时放置在固定位置。
- Finally use the dynamic three axle shear test to research impulsive load function under red clay mechanics and distortion characteristic. 最后通过动力三轴试验仪研究冲击荷载作用下红粘土的力学和变形特性。
- First, use the he red clay original condition and the rebuilding condition separately to carry on the single axle solidifying compression test and the three axle shear test. 首先,分别对红粘土原状样和重塑样进行单轴固结压缩试验和三轴剪切试验。
- The acoustic emission characteristics of sandstone under fracturing are studied by simulating the stress state of the tunnel enclosing rock using the real three axle press. 使用真三轴压机模拟巷道围岩的受力状态,研究了砂岩破坏过程中的声发射特性。
- Abstract: The general layout, main technical parameters and structure features of the three axle bogies used in AC-DC-AC diesel locomotives were briefly described. 摘 要: 简要介绍了交直交传动内燃机车用三轴转向架的总体布置、主要技术参数及结构特点。
- TTMA Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association 美国卡车拖车制造商协会美国药典委员会
- Truck Trailer Manufacturer Association 载重挂车制造商协会
- Truck trailers, for example, are loaded on flatcars and transported by rail to their destination, where a tractor hitches up to the trailer and speeds the goods on to another point. 例如;将卡车的拖车装在平板火车上;由铁路运到目的地;然后再将拖车挂在牵引车上;迅速地把货物运到别的地点去.
- three axle trailer 三轴拖车
- Finite Element Anlysis of the Strength of a Heavy Transport Truck Trailer Frame 重型半挂车车架有限元分析
- The machine has both high and low speed three axles scraper, it can widely apply in high viscosity coating , organic silica gel, printing ink, dye and stick colloid. 该设备有高速、低速活动刮板三轴,广泛应用于高粘度涂料、有机硅胶、油墨、染料、粘胶剂.
- By or relating to a method of transportation in which truck trailers are carried on trains, or cars on specially designed trucks. 背负,肩扛运输的一种方式,其中货车挂车载在火车上,或卡车载在特殊设计的货车上;或与之有关的
- The MAL3600 aluminum service module is designed to maximize the payload capacity for tandem rear axle trucks without the need for lift or tag axles while maintaining a manageable overall length. MAL3600铝制服务模块服务车是一款设计有最大有效载荷无需起重机或连接轴承的卡车,也是易于维修保养的超长车.
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- By or relating to a method of transportation in which truck trailers are carried on trains,or cars on specially designed trucks. 背负,肩扛运输的一种方式,其中货车挂车载在火车上,或卡车载在特殊设计的货车上;或与之有关的
- Fiber optical gyros detects rotation of stable platform around the three axles, and PC/104 control computer analyses the gyro signals and get Servo motors working to compensate carrier &motion. 光纤陀螺仪感知稳定平台3轴转动扰动。PC/104控制计算机分析光纤陀螺仪的信号控制伺服电机运转补偿载体的扰动信号。
- Three workers lifted the heavy box from the truck. 三个工人把沉重的箱子从卡车上搬了下来。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家团聚的场面总是热闹非凡。
- The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock. 那辆火车三点钟准时到达。