- three wins and four losses 四胜三负
- In contrast, Chien-Ming Wang had pitched seven wins and four losses by that time. 相较之下,当时王建民已有七场胜投以及四场败投。
- This season we've had three wins and two defeats. 这个赛季我们三胜二负。
- The team finished second in its group with three wins and one defeat. 该队以三胜一负的成绩取得小组第二名。
- Our team has had five wins and no losses this season. 我队今年赛季赢五场而未输过。
- It takes three hours by train and four by road. 坐火车要三小时,坐汽车得四小时。
- A carriage and four was passing by. 一辆由四匹马拖的马车通过。
- Wins and losses come and go; championships are forever. 胜利的失败都已经成为过去,只有总冠军是永存的!
- A box has a top, a bottom and four sides. 盒子有顶面、 底面和四个侧面。
- The wins and losses that once seemed so important will fade away. 曾经无比重要的成败得失也将退色。
- The number34 consists of three tens and four units. 34这个数含有三个十和四个一。
- A plane figure with four sides and four angles. 四边形有四个边和四个角的平面图形
- The team finished second in its group with two wins and one loss. 该队以两胜一负的成绩取得小组第二名。
- He controls two daily newspapers and four local weeklies. 他控制了两家日报和四家地区性周报。
- three wins and one loss 三胜一负
- In our lodge there were three curs and four cross feists. 在我们的小屋内有三只野狗和四只杂种小狗。
- The team has had five wins and no defeats. 该队连胜五场而无败绩。
- A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose. 竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。
- Note : Data in bracket is for three and four windings. 注:括号内数据适用于三绕组及四绕组。
- The Japanese team accumulated four points with one win and two losses. 日本队积四分, 一胜两负。