- three span calculation model 三跨计算模型
- A numerical calculation model is founded by the method of fast Lagrangian analysis of continua three dimensions(FLAC3D). 由三维拉格朗日元法(FLAC3D)建立数值计算模型,在有效注浆范围内对弱面进行注浆。
- A numerical calculation model is founded by the method of fast Lagrangian analysis of continua three dimensions (FLAC3D).The grouting is done in the effective grouting area. 由三维拉格朗日元法(FLAC3D)建立数值计算模型,在有效注浆范围内时弱面进行注浆。
- The failure assessment of a three span statically indeterminate continuous beam is conducted, and some further issues of failure assessment are mentioned. 对一个三跨超静定连续梁进行了失效评估,提出了若干失效评估需进一步研究的课题。
- The nonlinear response of a typical three span continuous bridge subjected to four earthquake data is analyzed using Lead Rubber Bearings(LRB) to isolate the superstructure from the substructure. 使用铅芯橡胶支座(LRB)作为隔震设备,分析了一个典型3跨连续梁桥在4种地震作用下的系统响应。
- The calculation of strength and deflection of ledger is based on the design of every three spans within two strides, and the main rail is over the putlog. 大横杆按照三跨连续梁进行强度和挠度计算,大横杆在小横杆的上面。
- The simulation of initial ground stress is realized mainly by boundary conditions of calculation model. 初始地应力的模拟主要是通过计算模型边界条件来实现的。
- The paper discussed proportion between side span and middle span in three spans prestressed continuous box beam bridge. 本文对三跨预应力连续箱梁桥的边跨与中跨比例问题进行了初步的探讨。
- A reasonable calculation model of slag point was built according to slag point seting in small section tunnel project. 本文在研究隧洞掘进机开挖隧洞出碴及材料运输三种典型方案后,对其调度方案进行了设计计算。
- The numerical calculation model for stratified rock slope was founded with UDEC software. 利用UDEC软件建立层状边坡数值计算模型,分析开挖过程中岩土体的变形情况;
- On this basis, a calculation model for propagating process of blasting seismic waves and a FEM program have been established. 在此基础上,建立了爆破地震波传播过程的计算模型,编制了有限元计算程序。
- According to the practical I-V characteristics of HEMT, a calculation model was developed under the conditions of prac- tical process. 根据实际HEMT器件I-V特性曲线,建立了实际工艺条件下HEMT器件I-V特性计算模型。
- A calculation model for 3-D blunt cracks in proposed and the corresponding boundary element method(BEM)computer program system is also established. 提出了一个三维钝裂纹的计算模型,并建立了适用于这类模型的边界元法程序。
- Each bridge is a two girder continuous structure extending over three spans with small haunches at the interior piers. 每一座桥是双主梁的连接梁,延伸三跨,在中间桥墩处具有小的加腋承托。
- Increasing the reliability and adaptability of calculation model is the prerequisite of expanding its application limits. 提高计算模型的可靠性和适应性则是扩大其应用范围的前提。
- The design of the anti-floating anchor rod for FS is introduced and the calculation model of the base with the anti-floating anchor rod is discussed. 通过介绍岭澳核电站FS厂房抗浮锚杆的设计,探讨了带锚杆底板的内力计算模型。
- The Gauss model of point target image irradiance and the calculation model of the infrared radiation power are established. 建立了点目标图像辐照度高斯模型和点目标图像红外辐射功率计算模型。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- It is proposed firstly in this paper that the full space calculation model and mixed absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs) based on MUR-PML. 本文使用时域有限差分法计算的时候,提出了全空间的计算模型和基于MUR-PML混合吸收边界条件。