- The general formula of three bend moment fitting to stearable BHA with several structur... 文中给出了几条分析结论,可供设计和选择导向钻具组合时参考。
- three bending moment 三弯距算法
- The actual stress is not proportional to the bending moment. 实际上应力与弯矩不成正比。
- But the bending moment at the central hinge must vanish. 但在中间铰处,弯矩必定为零。
- The induced bending moment may lead to destructibility of the pipeline. 弯矩的产生可能导致管线的破坏。
- Abstract: This paper covers a luffing cable crane used in the Three - Gorge Project.The radial - spherical plain bearing as the tower lower support avoid producing bend moment when the tower swings. 摘 要: 三峡摆塔式缆索式起重机塔架的下部支承选用径向轴承,可避免塔架纵向摆动时在塔架截面上产生弯矩;
- Shear force is implicit in the development of bending moments. 杆中的剪力在弯矩的推导中是不明显的。
- This increases both the rigid body rotation of the vehicle and the bending moment. 这既增加了飞行器的刚体转动,也增加了弯矩。
- In the FEM simulation of the loading identification process, the bending moment maintains a constant amplitude, hut its direction is alterable. 在有限元仿真计算中,弯矩载荷的大小保持不变,但方向可调。
- The unique phenomena at any cross section of EULER compressive bar under the zero bending moment is analyzed. 从理论上分析了欧拉压杆任意截面上弯矩为零的状态下所出现的奇异现象。
- In this paper a function calculation method of preloaded bending moment distribution for leaves of spring is des... 本文介绍了一种用于板簧簧片预加弯矩分配计算的函数计算法,并给出了计算实例。
- The needed pipe bending moment、wall thickness reduction and ovality of section are known by simulating. 通过模拟,计算管子弯曲变形所需的弯矩,计算管子弯曲部分外壁减薄率和椭圆度。
- Moreover, the influence of initial crookedness would be reduced as slenderness ratio and bending moment are increased. 初弯曲对杆件的影响随长细比和弯矩的增大而减小;
- The bending moment of common prestressed concrete pipe piles is relatively low under the horizontal earthquake action. 摘要普通预应力混凝土管桩在水平地震作用下抗弯能力较差;
- The connection of CHS T-joints with fold chord subjected to in-plane bending moment can be simplified as rigid joint. 在平面内弯矩作用下,弦杆为折杆的T型圆钢管节点计算可以简化为刚接节点模型。
- Teeth board was carved with flower veins , three bended legs were carved with luckiness cloud veins. 牙板透雕缠枝花卉纹;三弯腿雕如意云纹装饰,外翻涡纹足落于花形托泥之上与座面相互映衬。
- The calculation of ledger maximum bending moment and deformation the even load of scaffold board and live loads above the ledger. 按照大横杆上面的脚手板和活荷载作为均布荷载计算大横杆的最大弯矩和变形。
- The Settlement both vertically and horizontally under lateral loads and bending moment must not exceed predetermined and acceptable values. 垂直和水平向荷载作用下的沉降和弯(曲)矩不能超过预先确定数值或工程采用的限定数值。
- The bending moment can be related to the formation drillability, BHA configuration and drill bit size, and is proportional to the applied WOB. 钻头弯矩与交错层的可钻性、下部钻具的结构和钻头的几何尺寸有关,并且与所加的钻压成正比。
- The bending moment,axial force of the pile and subfloor are also analyzed.Then it draws some conclusions useful to practical engineering. 对开挖引起的地面、建筑物角点的沉降规律做了分析与探讨,同时也分析了桩和底板的弯矩、轴力、剪力等变化规律,得出了有意义的结论。