- These threads had not as yet been successfully woven together. 这些线索目前还不曾被成功地组织在一起。
- threads woven together 织在一起的线
- For they stand together before the face of the sun even as the black thread and the white are woven together. 因为它们共存在阳光下,就像黑线与白线交错在一起一般。
- Life is more like a quilt-many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven together by a common thread. 生活更像一床被子--许多各色各样,不同大小的布片由一条共同的线连在一起。
- Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. 11不可穿羊毛,细麻两样搀杂料作的衣服。
- Take a closer look at the more elaborate fabrics and you will see real gold and silver threads woven into them. 仔细一瞧,您会发现某些纱丽布料中织入了真的金丝和银线!
- UD carbon has fibers that run the same way rather than being woven together. 其纤维是朝一个方向排列,而不是交叉在一起。
- Drowmesh uses strands of leather woven together in a fine lattice for maximum flexibility. 卓尔皮甲用皮绳编织成细密的网格,来得到最佳的灵活性。
- Metal rings woven together into a shirt, leggings, and a hood make up a suit of chainmail. 由金属环编织的衬衫、裤子、兜帽组成一套链甲。
- The threadlike Branches are often woven together to form a velvety Body sometimes longer than 12 in. (30 cm). 藻体呈丝状,分枝多,常交织形成天鹅绒般的假原植体,长达30公分以上。
- Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon border dispute with the Caledonia, Nigeria border dispute are woven together, the problem complicated. 赤几与喀麦隆边界争议与喀、尼边界争端交织在一起,问题错综复杂。
- Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon border dispute with the Caledonia, Nepal border disputes are woven together, the problem complicated. 赤几与喀麦隆边界争议与喀、尼边界争议交织在一起,问题错综复杂。
- Gauze Sponges with X-Ray Detectable Thread Woven In 机织X光追踪线纱布片
- In his book, Robert T.Kiyosaki (1993) has woven together compelling arguments and inspiring personal anecdotes about the destructive quality of the education system. 罗伯特T清崎在他1993年完成的这本书中,用大量强有力的证据和鼓舞人心的诙谐口吻,抨击了现代教育制度(对人生)的破坏本质。
- All three threads weave in and out of human history.The Pythagoreans resurface whenever scientific and intellectual enlightenment glistens. 以上这三条线索交织在人类的历史之中,哪儿有科学的光芒,哪儿就有毕达格拉斯的信徒。
- My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. 我在隐密处被造,在地的深处被塑造,那时,我的形体不能向你(上帝)隐藏。
- The biography weaves together the various strands of Einstein's life. 这部传记把爱因斯坦一生的各个方面编纂成书。
- The biography weaves together the various aspects of Einstein's life. 这本传记汇编了爱因斯坦一生的方方面面。
- Absorbent Gauze with X-Ray Detectable Thread Woven In 机织X光追踪线脱脂纱布
- Cord and lip were weaved together by reconstructive K251 type silk loom. 在改造的K251丝织机上,同时织造出绳编花边的“绳”和“边”。