- thoughts of scientific reseach 科研思想
- Under these premises,materials of the thoughts of scientific methodology have integrated and interacted with each other by the end of the middle ages,which give birth to the... 在此基础上,科学方法论的思想要素在中世纪晚期结合并相互渗透,最终形成了作为近代科学方法论思想的灵魂的数学理性、逻辑理性和实验理性。
- He fed his anger with thoughts of revenge. 复仇的意念煽起他的怒火。
- Had to erase all thoughts of failure from his mind. 必须抹去他头脑中所有有关失败的记忆
- His biography is a saga of scientific research. 他的传记就是一部科研记实。
- It was sweet and thoughtful of you to think of it. 你们真好,为我想得那么周到。
- Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind. 他脑海里时刻萦绕着复仇的念头。
- thoughts of scientific and technological innovation 科技创新思想
- The book is full of scientific technicalities. 这本书里尽是科学术语。
- thoughts of scientific development 科学发展思想
- Mr Jackson is not the books of the Union of Scientific Workers. 杰克逊先生是科学工作者工会的会员。
- In books, are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages. 伟大思想古今有,载入书中成不朽。
- If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. 请跟随你的直觉选择爱,而不是智力;
- The interview served Michael the good turn of taking his thoughts of himself. 这场会谈对于迈克尔很有好处,使他不再顾虑自己的事。
- The company's support of scientific research is just window-dressing. 这个公司支持科学研究只不过是摆样子给人看的。
- It's very thoughtful of you to do this for me. 你帮我这个忙真是想得太周到了。
- It contains a number of scientific instruments, including a television camera. 这枚火箭装载着若干科学仪器,其中包括一架电视摄像机。
- He secretly entertained thoughts of revenge. 他暗中怀有报复的想法。
- Our corporation is a group enterprise intergrading scientific reseach business production,and service. 我司是一家集科学研究;商品及服务为一体的集团企业.
- Such thoughts of self had never entered his mind. 他心里从没有过这种自我意识。