- The Lu Xun thought research thorough, is unceasingly thin, presents aspect which the outstanding sound clamors. 鲁迅思想的研究不断深入、细化,呈现出众声喧哗的局面。
- Thought research hereinbefore there are two kinds of new dinosaur egg fossils discovered. 通过对比发现两种新恐龙蛋化石。
- At the same time, we can enrich the thought research ofMo-Tse by studying the thought of document study in the books quoted by Mo-Tse. 同时,对引书所表现出来的墨子的文献学思想的探讨可以丰富对墨子思想的研究。
- After the 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Hagelstein and fellow cold fusion proponents thought research had progressed far enough to request an update on the first review. 在第10届国际冷融合研讨会后,黑格斯坦和许多冷融合支持者认为,目前的实验进展已经足以要求重新考虑第一次审查结果。
- Fourth, inspects the Lin Huiyin unique literary arts thought and the significance which constructs to the literature main body, fills the blank of Lin Huiyin’s literature thought research. 四,考察林徽因独特的文艺思想及其对文学本体建构的意义,填补林徽因文学思想研究的空白。
- As one of the climaxes in the development history of these kind of studies of ancient China, this thesis point out Xunzi"s study mainly included two respects: documents edit and thought research. 作为中国古代荀学发展史上的最后一个高峰,本文认为清代荀学研究主要包含两个方面即文献整理和义理研究。
- This text thinks research and application of technology are propellers of the civilization of human society. 本文认为技术的研究和应用是人类社会文明的推进器。
- The dissertation not only overviews the history of critical thinking research movement in 20 century, but also analyzes philosophical views about critical thinking before then. 不仅研究了20世纪批判性思维运动的历史发展轨迹,而且将批判性思维研究的历史往前追溯,对它的早期哲学形态做了概括与分析。
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- She thought of brushing up her shorthand. 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。
- In terms of the connections among thinking, creation and education, the author explores their interrelation by means of resorting to relevant theories of education, thinking research and training. 笔者就思维与创新以及教育三者的联系,运用相关教育理论、思维研究、思维训练,说明其相辅相成的内在关系。
- It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. 身为男子不抽烟不喝酒曾视为无男子气概。
- The thought nerved me to make an other effort. 这种想法激励我再作一番努力。
- He is thought to be a scholar in the village. 在村里,人们把他看作是位“秀才"。
- I thought his jokes were in very poor taste. 我认为他讲的笑话太粗俗了。
- A hundred schools of thought contend. 百家争鸣。
- He thought of New York as a den of iniquity. 他认为纽约是个藏污纳垢之处。
- The thought of my exams next week scares me stiff. 我一想到下星期要考试就很紧张。
- He did not bestow one thought on his dead father. 他想都没有想过,他过世的父亲。