- Drink clean water. Eat food that is thoroughly cooked. 食物或食水要彻底煮熟或煲滚才可食用。
- Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before eating. 家禽肉类和蛋类要彻底煮熟方可进食。
- Hot food should be thoroughly cooked and freshly made. 热食品应完全加热,并应是刚刚加工的。
- Spadger egg 10, thoroughly cook with water, shuck skin. 麻雀蛋10个,用水煮熟,剥去皮。
- Eat only thoroughly cooked food, particularly seafood and shellfish. 只进食已彻底煮熟的食物,尤其是海鲜及贝壳类海产。
- Ensure all food are thoroughly cooked, particularly seafood and shellfish. 食物要彻底煮熟,尤其是海鲜及贝壳类海产。
- Eat food that has been thoroughly cooked and is still hot when served. 吃煮熟的食物并趁热食用。
- Poultry meat and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before consumption. 进食家禽肉类和蛋时应彻底煮熟。
- Large tubers are eaten raw or cooked especially when young and young pods must be thoroughly cooked. 大的块茎幼嫩时可以生吃或熟吃,豆荚必须完全做熟后才可食用。
- Make sure that all foods from poultry, including eggs, are thoroughly cooked before eating. 家禽和类食物要彻底煮熟方可进食。
- By then it was late, so he left the wok on the fire overnight, so it would be thoroughly cooked and delicious in the morning. Then he went to bed. 这时候已经很晚了,所以他把锅放在炉上煮过夜,这样第二天就有香喷喷的熟牛肉了。然后他上床睡了。
- Be sure that meals bought from street vendors are thoroughly cooked in your presence and do not contain any uncooked foods. 确信向摊贩购买的膳食在你面前彻底煮熟和不含任何未煮过的食物。
- By then it was late, so he left the wok on the fire overnight, so it would be thoroughly cooked and delicious in the morning. Then he went to bed. 这时候已经很晚了,所以他把锅放在炉上煮过夜,这样第二天就有香喷喷的熟牛肉了。然后他上床睡了。
- Similarly foods which are thoroughly cooked and eaten at once are safer than precooked food kept at high temperatures for several hours. 同样的立即吃掉的煮熟的食品要比在高温里放了几个小时还没煮的食品安全得多。
- There is no evidence that avian influenza can be transmitted through eating poultry or eggs. However, make sure poultry and eggs have been thoroughly cooked. 直至现时为止,没有资料显示有人经过进食家禽或禽鸟蛋感染禽流感,但家禽和禽鸟蛋仍须彻底煮熟才可进食。
- When the boss carries ripe shrimp, the client is pursy brows, say: "Boss, I give two jins of your bright shrimp fully a bowl big, how to thoroughly cook so one pannikin? 当老板端来熟虾时,顾客皱起了眉头,说:“老板,我交给你两斤鲜虾足足一大碗呢,怎么煮熟了就这么一小盘?”
- Central American twining plant with edible roots and pods; large tubers are eaten raw or cooked especially when young and young pods must be thoroughly cooked; pods and seeds also yield rotenone and oils. 有可食用的根和豆荚的中美洲缠绕植物;大的块茎幼嫩时可以生吃或熟吃,豆荚必须完全做熟后才可食用;豆荚和种子可以提炼鱼藤酮和油。
- Direct contact with the skin, flesh (raw or not thoroughly cooked), saliva, or other bodily fluids of domestic or wild animals. Examples are rabies, plague, anthrax, tularemia, and trichinosis. 直接接触家畜或野生动物的皮肤,肉(生肉和未煮熟的肉),唾液,和其他体液。例如狂犬病,鼠疫,炭疽热,兔热病和旋毛虫病。
- Thoroughly cooking your food reduces your chance of getting sick, but if you suspect food poisoning, contact your doctor. 彻底烹调食品可降低您患病的机会,但如果您怀疑食物中毒,请与您的医生联系。
- He cooked the pasta in a large pan of boiling water. 他用一大锅开水煮义大利面食。