- thorium uranium breeder 钍 铀增殖反应堆
- One of the major objectives of the U.S. civilian power program is to develop breeder types of reactors to make full use of the nuclear energy latent in both uranium and thorium. 美国民间能量计划的主要目标之一是开发增值反应堆来充分利用铀和钍中的潜在能量.
- A breeder means a person who breeds animals. 饲养员就是饲养动物的人。
- Radium and uranium are radioactive elements. 镭和铀是放射性元素。
- Followed by the slow decomposition of uranium to another element thorium. 铀元素随后缓慢分解为另一种元素钍。
- An owner or a breeder of livestock. 牧主或牧工牲畜的拥有者或饲养者
- Chemical compounds and mixtures containing uranium and thorium are active in direct proportion to the amount of these metals contained in them. 含铀和钍的化合物和混合物活跃的程度与这些化合物和混合物中这两种金属的含量直接相关。
- I measured the activity of a number of minerals; all of then~ that appear to be radioactive always contain uranium or thorium. 我测量了一些矿物的活性,所有显示放射性的物质均含有铀和针。
- The breeder bedded down the calf with straw. 饲养员铺了些稻草让小牛睡觉。
- A few elements, among them uranium and thorium, spontaneously disintegrate into lighter elements by chances. 少数元素,其中有铀和钍,通过它们核的变化自然蜕变成较轻的元素。
- Fast breeder reactors are in a calss by themselves. 快速反应堆有自己属性。
- Marie found another called thorium. 玛丽发现了另一种物质,叫钍。
- Breeder: A person who breeds animals or plants. 饲养动物者,培育植物者。
- Did the breeder discuss dog crates with you? 繁育者是否教会你使用笼子训练法?
- Uranium is a lithophile element. 铀是亲石元素。
- My brother is a cattle breeder . 我的弟弟是饲养牛的饲养员。
- There are some radioactive nuclides such as uranium, radium, thorium and polonium in pit effluent of uranium mine. 铀矿山坑道污水含有铀、镭、钍、钋等放射性核素,外排前必须加以处理。
- In layers deep containing uranium, radium, thorium in the soil, rocks, one can find high concentrations of radon. 在地层深处含有铀、镭、钍的土壤、岩石中人们可以发现高浓度的氡。
- Sub critical breeder fuelling actinide series and driven by D-T fusion neutrons can use uranium source effectively. 以锕系元素为燃料的次临界增殖反应堆,在D-T聚变中子源驱动下,可以更有效地利用有限的铀资源;
- Uranium fills interstitial space. 铀充填在颗粒间的空间。