- This county felt the full fury of the storm. 这个县遭到暴风雨最猛烈的侵袭。
- The culture of pearls is the mainstay of this county. 珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱。
- This county has a very high infant death rate. 这个县的婴儿死亡率很高。
- Bring up the census of this county. 调出这个郡的户籍资料。
- This county produces abundant quantities of tea. 这个县盛产茶叶。
- Shanxi Hejin (ji shan this county) people. 山西河津(今稷山县)人。
- So this county holding manager keeps the full sum of Goths. 这个县经常举办这样经理全额哥特。
- The culture of pearl is the mainstay of this county. 珍珠养殖是该县的主要经济支柱。
- This county is small, there is "meat pie Xianghe" famous Quartet. 此县虽小,却有“香河肉饼”闻名四方。
- Longley: That's how highly we think of your son in this county, Colonel. 龙利:上校,可见在这个郡我们对你的评价多么高。
- This is still characterized the spirit of this county, also has tourist value. 此仍足以表徵本县的精神风貌,亦十分具有观光价值。
- This county is materially ahead of the other counties. 这个县在物质方面超过其他县。
- I hear thou must, and nothing may prorogue it, on Thursday next be married to this county. 啊,朱丽叶!我早已知道你的悲哀,实在想不出一个万全的计策。我听说你在星期四必须跟这伯爵结婚,而且毫无拖延的可能了。
- In fact,you have beaten me,George,and as anyone in this county can tell you,that takes some doing. 事实上,你已把我打倒了。乔治,正如镇上人会告诉你的,那需要两下子。
- But more's the pity, there's not enough planters' sons in this County to make up a full troop. 不过最糟糕的是这个县里没有足够的农场主子弟来编成一个整营呢。
- David and his crew continue to harvest tobacco despite changes that have swept through this county in recent years. David和他的同事继续着收割烟草的工作,他们没有理睬近几年席卷该区的巨变。
- Things in this county also show us that an outlet can be found in the villages for rural surplus labour-power. 这个县的情况也告诉我们,乡村中的剩余劳动力是能够在乡村中找到出路的。
- I was sheriff of this county when I was twenty-five years old. Hard to believe. Grandfather was a lawman. Father, too. 我25岁时,曾是镇上的治安官。难以置信的是,我的祖父和我父亲也都曾是警察。
- This county is well-known in the province as it achieves the highest enrollment rate every year. 这所县立中学由于升学率年年第一而在全省都很有名气。
- East of this county and township people, eating Biansi, is a flour and sugar to make Benji-shaped food. 东县乡民于此日吃扁食,是一种以面粉和糖作成畚箕形的食品。