- Thirty four: Try on that new shirt. 三十四:试穿那件新的衬衣。
- Thirty four female students in their early twenties rated the attractiveness of each face on a scale of 1 to 7. 三十四名二十岁多岁的女学生对这些面孔的吸引力按1到7分进行了投票。
- Thirty four corzstituents, amounting to 91%, of the kaempteria galanga L are characterized and determined. 共鉴定了34种成分,占挥发油总成分的91%25以上。
- Two hundred and thirty four cases of parotid Warthin tumor were retrospectively analysed. 回顾性分析本院收治的234例腮腺沃辛瘤的病例资料。
- Methods Thirty four cases with 44 wounds were locally treated with ANSON NANOTECH in the wounds after debridement. 方法34例共44个慢性难愈合创面,其中创伤性溃疡15例(23个创面),压迫性溃疡9例(11个创面),糖尿病溃疡5例,放射性溃疡5例。
- Thirty four cases of syringoma treated with Er:YAG Laser were observed after 6months follow up. 应用铒激光治疗仪治疗34例汗管瘤患者,6个月后观察疗效。
- I am thirty four years old. I am unmarried . I am a man with a heart of gold. I have a high degree of responsibility. I neither smoke nor drink. 我身高1.;75;体重72公斤,戴近视眼镜,我乐观向上,富有同情心,有责任感,不抽烟不喝酒,无婚史。这就是我---一个34岁传统型男子的简单写照。
- The runner characters of thirty four accessions involved in thirteen strawberry species were researched and classified in this paper. 摘要对草莓属植物13个种共34份试材的匍匐茎性状进行了较系统的调查和分类研究。
- Method: Thirty four cases of rectovestibular fistula had done fistulectomy and fistulorrhaphy of "H" type in the perineum. 方法:对34例女婴后天性直肠前庭瘘,经会阴行H型瘘管切除修补治疗。
- Method Thirty four cases of corneal invader after LASIK were treated with different methods based on their different sizes, chemical characters and positions of invader. 方法对34例LASIK后角膜异物,根据异物的大小、化学性质、嵌入角膜的深浅、所引起角膜与前房的反应情况及LASIK后时间的长短,给予不同处理。
- eight thousand eight hundred and thirty four (=8834) 八千八百三十四
- eight thousand five hundred and thirty four (=8534) 八千五百三十四
- eight thousand four hundred and thirty four (=8434) 八千四百三十四
- eight thousand nine hundred and thirty four (=8934) 八千九百三十四
- eight thousand one hundred and thirty four (=8134) 八千一百三十四
- eight thousand seven hundred and thirty four (=8734) 八千七百三十四
- eight thousand six hundred and thirty four (=8634) 八千六百三十四
- eight thousand three hundred and thirty four (=8334) 八千三百三十四
- eight thousand two hundred and thirty four (=8234) 八千二百三十四
- five thousand eight hundred and thirty four (=5834) 五千八百三十四