- third degree bum injury Ⅲ度烧伤
- Would you stop giving me the third degree? 你能别再对我严刑拷问吗?
- The suspect get the third degree from the police. 嫌疑犯受到警察的严厉审问。
- Why are you giving me the third degree? 你干嘛要打破砂锅问到底?
- Mr. A will be given the third degree if he behaves suspiciously. 但现代一般人较喜欢用主动语态。
- As soon as I got home, my mom gave me the third degree. 我一到家,妈妈就对我问这问那。
- As soon as I got home, my mother gave me the third degree. 我一到家,妈妈就对我问这问那的。
- They gave Mary the third degree, but she refused to say any thing. 他们对玛丽严加逼供,但她拒绝回答。
- The parents suspected their son's drug use; they gave him the third degree. 父母怀疑儿子吸毒,所以问他许多问题。
- The police will give Mr. A the third degree if he continues to act strangely. 假如他的行动还是怪怪的,警察将会逼供他。
- When the suspected murderer refused to talk,the police gave him the third degree. 杀人嫌疑犯拒不招供,警察就对其刑讯逼供。
- The accused refused to confess despite being subjected to the third degree for two whole days. 尽管对被告进行了两个整天的刑讯,但他仍然拒不坦白。
- They were not, however, pure as before, but diluted to the second and third degree. 所以,它们不象从前那样纯了,而被稀释两、三度。
- Nucleic acid reduction occurred more severely following 2 Gy irradiation than following 15% BSA third degree burns. 2Gy照射的核酸改变比15%25三度烧伤更严重。
- The soldiers were given the third degree in order to make them reveal the information. 为了得到情报,他们一直在拷问那些士兵。
- As the daughter did not want her father to remarry, she gave him the third degree. 由於女儿不要老爸再婚,她给他许多质问。
- Third degree heart block may also be congenital and has been linked to the presence of lupus in the mother. 什麽是'先天性心脏传导阻滞-疾病传播的电脉冲,从上降低心脏病商会自出生'?
- Practice of Fraying: A body of knowledge associated with the third degree (3rd dot) of an Arcanum, describing how a mage can mystically harm a target. 冲突之法:与第3级(3点)奥秘相关的知识内容,描述法师如何以魔法伤害目标。
- In March the cover got blown off of Brightly's caliginous caper, and after getting the third degree he's facing charges of first-degree coercion. 今年3月时,布莱特利的黑暗勾当终于被掀了出来。在得到三级教师资格后,布莱特利也得到了一级重罪的控告。
- Practice of Weaving: A body of knowledge associated with the third degree (3rd dot) of an Arcanum, describing how a mage can mystically alter a target. 编织之法:与第3级(3点)奥秘相关的知识内容,描述法师如何以魔法改变目标。