- And so one can see how the process of ascension balances out that which is unbalanced within oneself over time. 因此,你可以从中看到,提升过程是如何随时间来平衡你自身内在的不平衡的。
- In better understanding, one will know what they are looking at both within oneself, and within others that one may be working with as a healer. 在更好的了解之中,人们将会知道自己所看到的是什么,既对于自身内在,也对于可能作为疗愈者时正面对的他人内在。
- In understanding the karma, one will be more readily capable of releasing the karma allowing for the birth of unity relations within oneself. 在理解中,你将能为释放业力作更好准备,使统一性关系得以诞生。
- Unifying poles within oneself requires releasing the karma that locks a particular polarity in place within the field and consciousness of the form. 统一你自己内在的极点需要释放锁住你能量场和形体意识内某一特定极性的业力。
- In a deep sense, freedom is allowance of all truths as expressed within oneself and within all others on all planes of reality. 在某种深刻的意义上,自由是接受所有的人在所有实相层面上、所有表达内在的真相。
- As one integrates the opposing forces within oneself, then one begins to come to the middle ground upon all planes of reality. 当你整合内在自我相反的力量,然后你就开始移入所有实相层面上的中道。
- It was designed to elicit the best thinking within the government. 机构的设置是为了在政府内部集思广益。
- This is something therefore healers may wish to look for in all work with one's clients, and each initiate reading this material may wish to look at within oneself. 因此这是在与顾客工作时,疗愈者可能希望来寻找的事物,也是每一个阅读这一资料的提升者可能希望来自我内在检查的事物。
- It is interesting to note that philosophers in the phenomenological tradition long ago posited that one had to experience something within oneself to truly comprehend it. 值得一提的是,传统探究现象学的哲学家早就提出:对于某些事,人必须要亲身体验,才可能真正了解。
- In so doing, the exchange of gifts can be a magical experience that includes God Goddess All That Is and amplifies the light within oneself and upon Earth. 这样做,礼物的交换是一个魔力的体验,包含了神/女神/一切万有,并增强了你自己和地球上的光芒。
- All initiates have arrogances that require transcending; generally the arrogances can cause the most difficulties in ascension, as there will be a tendency to schism over and go blind to that which one is arrogant about within oneself. 所有提升者都有各种需要超越的自大,通常而言自大可导致提升中最大的困境,因为对于自身所自负的内容,人们常常会有倾向将其跳过并对其盲目自信。
- For those of red nation inheritance, becoming again a guardian of Earth fulfills something deep within oneself that is related to your original casting within the Great Central Sun as a human being. 对那些红族遗传者,再次成为地球守护者深深实现了你自己内在的一些事物,那与你作为人类存在于大中央太阳内的最初铸造相关。
- I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。
- I think so; in fact, I am quite sure. 我想如此,事实上我非常确信。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- Describe an experience in which you changed the way of thinking within an organization. 描述自己曾在一个组织中改变想法的经验。
- And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 自己心里思想说,我的出产没有地方收藏,怎吗办呢。
- He is recognised as an authority on Chinese/Western psychological thought within the international EAP design forum. 他的许多心理学专著在全世界范围内被广泛地出版。他被公认为国际EAP项目设计中注重实际效能的权威。