- The hyper-granularity immingling technology is inefficent with small decrypted programs, then instruction set alternation technology based on a thin virtual machine was proposed. 摘要超粒度混杂技术对于小型解密程序效率低下,为此提出了基于瘦虚拟机的指令集交替技术。
- This technology employed an automata to record encrypt and decrypt ways.Furthermore, the thin virtual machine was responsible for interpretation and execution of these encrypted programs. 该技术使用一个自动机来记录程序加密和解密的方法,并且使用瘦虚拟机来完成对加密过的程序解释执行。
- Improving hyper-granularity immingling technique: instruction set alternation technology based on thin virtual machine 对超粒度混杂技术的改进:基于瘦虚拟机的指令集交替技术
- thin virtual machine 瘦虚拟机
- Java Virtual Machine must be installed and you may. 您必须安装爪哇虚拟器Java Virtual Machine。
- Name The descriptive name of the virtual machine. 虚拟机的名字,是一个描述型的名字。
- Add Storage Devices to Virtual Machine. 为虚拟机添加存储设备。
- The Process Virtual Machine is embeddable. 流程虚拟机是嵌入式的。
- VMCP? Virtual Machine Control Program? 虚拟机控制程序?
- The Java Virtual Machine is big endian as well. Java虚拟机也是大端字节序。
- VMBLOCK? Virtual Machine control BLOCK? 虚拟机控制块?
- VME? Virtual Machine Environment? 虚拟机环境?
- A virtual machine can act as an RDP server, allowing you to "run" the virtual machine remotely on some thin client that merely displays the RDP data. 虚拟机可以作为冗余服务器,可以让你的"运行"虚拟机远程一些瘦客户机只是显示rdp数据。
- Java virtual machine(JVM) loads the classes by ClassLoader. Java虚拟机(JVM)使用一个类装载器(ClassLoader)根据应用程序的需要载入所需的类。
- Execute machine code in PLC virtual machine of WinCE OS. 将PLC指令对应的机器码移植到WinCE操作系统下的PLC虚拟机中执行。
- Download Pick: Virtual Machine Remote Control Clie... 下载选择:虚拟机远程控制clie ...
- All running virtual machines get equal CPU time. 所有运行虚拟机获得相同的CPU资源。
- Install the appropriate platform Java virtual machine (JVM). 安装相应平台上的Java虚拟机(JVM)。
- Whitepaper: Microsoft System Center Virtual Machin... 白皮书: Microsoft系统中心虚拟机...
- So when Virtual Machine is busy it won't waste time on house cleaning. 因而当虚拟机忙时它就不会浪费时间清理内务。