- Thin metal tins think tinkers kings. 薄薄的金属罐把补锅匠当成国王。
- Many oil pans have baffles, which are thin metal partitions. 许多石油平底锅有挡板,这是薄金属分割。
- A thin metal plate or strip, as the bit of a key or the blade of a saw. 金属薄条片金属薄条板或片,如钥匙齿或锯片
- A thin metal blade is hinged at the top of a graduated wooden frame. 一把稀薄的金属刀片铰链在一个木制框架顶部。
- A thin metal cap containing gunpowder or another detonator that explodes on being struck. 雷管一种稀少的金属套,具有火药或其它爆炸物,在受撞击时爆炸
- A thin metal plate, especially one of the overlapping steel plates in medieval armor. 重叠金属片一种薄的金属片,尤指那种用于中世纪盔甲上的重叠金属片
- A thin metal plate,especially one of the overlapping steel plates in medieval armor. 重叠金属片一种薄的金属片,尤指那种用于中世纪盔甲上的重叠金属片。
- A thin metallic or plastic support fitted to the gums to anchor artificial teeth. 假牙托安装在牙床上固定假牙的薄金属或塑料支持物
- Most saws take the form of a thin metal strip with teeth on one edge or a thin metal disk with teeth on the edge. 多数锯都是一边带有锯齿的薄金属片或边缘带锯齿的金属圆盘。
- The shadow mask is a thin metal plate covered with very small holes that define the pixels in a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). 彩色显象管阴罩是薄的金属板为在阴极里确定象素的非常小的洞所覆盖射线管(CRT)。
- A box or can of thin metal or plastic used for holding dry cooking ingredients, such as flour, sugar, or tea. 罐用薄金属或塑料制成的装干食品的盒子或罐子,如面粉、糖或茶叶
- It offers the firm and high quality whorl to join for very thin metal and PC board mainly. 其主要为很薄的金属和PC板提供坚固优质的螺纹连接。
- The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。
- A glass container holding gas at low pressure and enclosing a thin metal filament that emits light when an electric current is passed through it. 在低压下容纳气体的玻璃容器密封一个金属细丝,当通过电流时可以产生光。
- Allegheny Technologies Taiwan Inc. provides complete &variety of thin metal foils with comprterized inventory, quality control &just-in-time delivery programs. 本厂金属箔材捲料规格齐全,库存电脑化,品质严格,交货迅速。
- The methods to realize left-handed medium are reviewed, including combination of split ring resonators (SRRs) with thin metal wires, and those beyond SRRs. 本文从理论构想和实验两个方面对左手材料做了详细的综述,围绕负折射频率从微波到近红外的研究进展这一主线,具体介绍了实现左手介质的方法。
- The methods to realize left-handed medium are reviewed,including combination of split ring resonators(SRRs) with thin metal wires,and those beyond SRRs. 本文从理论构想和实验两个方面对左手材料做了详细的综述,围绕负折射频率从微波到近红外的研究进展这一主线,具体介绍了实现左手介质的方法。
- resin-bonded fixed partial denture with etched metal wing 金属翼板粘结固定桥
- Pretreatment process for PVC laminating on different thin metal sheets was introduced. Formula, strengths and maintenance of degreasing and phosphating process were emphasized. 提出了一种适用于各种金属板贴塑的前处理工艺,着重介绍了脱脂和磷化的工艺配方、特点及槽液的维护。
- The bucking of a thin metal tube during continuous wave(CW) CO_2 laser with finite element method(FEM) of ABAQUS is investigated numerically and experimentally. 应用ABAQUS有限元仿真软件,对连续波CO_2激光照射细薄金属管材产生的弯曲过程进行数值仿真。