- Thick smoke coiled up over the fields. 浓烟在田野上盘旋上升。
- The thick smoke made it hard for people to breathe. 浓烈的烟雾呛得人喘不过气来。
- The chimney exhales a thick smoke. 这个烟囱冒出一股浓烟。
- Burning leaves give off thick smoke. 烧焦的树叶发出一股浓烟。
- I saw thick smoke billowing out of the windows. 我看见窗口里冒出滚滚浓烟。
- Thick smoke was pouring out of the apartment. 浓厚的烟雾从公寓中涌出来。
- Thick smoke resulting from a slow fire. 浓烟:缓慢燃烧的火释发的浓烟。
- Thick smoke ascended from the burning plane. 浓烟从燃烧中的飞机升起。
- The chimney emitted thick smoke into the air. 烟囱向空中散发出浓烟。
- We can see thick smoke rising from the burning house. 我们能看到从着火的房子里冒出的浓烟。
- It looked like thick smoke, but did not dissipate or drift. 看上去就像一团浓烟,既不消散,也不飘动。
- And by using thick smoke as cover he becomes nearly untouchable. 藉著使用浓烟掩护几乎使他变的无人能挡。
- Upstairs,the thick smoke was hanging just a few feet above the floor. 楼上,浓烟悬浮在离地面仅仅几英尺处。
- He said: What is most noteworthy is that Beijing over the thick smoke. 他说:最令人关注的就是北京上空厚厚的烟雾。
- The moon came out suddenly, and they saw the truck. It was struggling up the hill at a snail's pace, with thick smoke. 月亮突然闪出云层,他们看到有辆卡车正吐着浓烟象蜗牛一样爬上山坡。
- The helicopters couldn't get close enough. That's because of the thick smoke from the fire. 直升飞机无法靠近,这是由于大火产生的浓烟的原故。
- I jumped out of bed, opened the door and stepped out into the passage. It was full of thick smoke. 我从床上跳起来,打开门向通道走去,到处都是浓烟。
- Suddenly a gust clears the thick smoke, exposing the ground littered with bodies. 日耳曼武士头戴笨重的钢盔,身穿过膝短袖束腰白色外衣,胸前背后的黑十字格外醒目。
- April 15,2006 Yulong lijiang,Yunan,The thick smoke went up to the sky straightly above the burning forest. 2006年4月15日,云南省丽江市玉龙县,大火燃烧的森林上空,浓烟直冲云霄。
- Fire fighters walk through thick smoke from the Station Fire August 30, 2009 in Acton, California. 消防战士走过从车站消防2009年8月30日浓烟的阿尔顿,加利福尼亚州。