- By applying the thermodynamic principles and transfer theories, the exergy analysis of flow of fluids is made. 本文运用热力学和传递过程的理论,对流体流动过程进行了(火用)分析。
- Based on thermodynamic principles,entropy generation and exergy loss of BFG(Blast Furnace Gas) and COG(Coke Oven Gas) during mixing were studied. 从热力学原理出发,研究了高、焦炉煤气混合过程的熵增加和损失。
- This paper has discussed the head stableness、solubitity of hydroxide alkaline earth metal by thermodynamic principles,and the cause of thermodynamic of regularity is sought out. 用热力学原理对碱土金属氢氧化物的热稳定性、溶解性规律进行了探讨;并指出形成这些规律的热力学原因.
- This paper has discussed the head stableness、solubitity of hydroxide alkaline earth metal by thermodynamic principles, and the cause of thermodynamic of regularity is sought out. 摘要用热力学原理对碱土金属氢氧化物的热稳定性、溶解性规律进行了探讨,并指出形成这些规律的热力学原因。
- Abstract Based on thermodynamic principles, entropy generation and exergy loss of BFG (Blast Furnace Gas) and COG (Coke Oven Gas) during mixing were studied. 摘要 从热力学原理出发,研究了高、焦炉煤气混合过程的熵增加和损失。
- According to thermodynamic principle,this thesis reconsiders the equi librium constant of ideal gas reaction. 本文依据热力学原理;重新审议了理想气体的化学平衡常数.
- The conditions of silver sulphide dissolving in sodium cyanide have been discussed by the use of thermodynamic principle and coupling reaction. 应用热力学原理和偶合反应的观点对硫化银溶于氰化钠的条件进行了讨论.
- According to thermodynamic principle,the ability of solving solid-state substance in liquids is discussed in this paper. 利用热力学原理分析了固体单质在液体中溶解形成理想溶液的热力学特征。
- Thermodynamic Principles of Thermoelectric Cooling 热电制冷的热力学机理分析研究
- Acid intensity of hydrosulfuric acid and stepwise ionization balance were discussed by the use of thermodynamic principle, which are helpful to inorganic chemistry teaching. 摘要本文应用热学原理对氢硫酸的强度及逐级电离平衡进行了讨论,有助于无机化学教学和学生学习。
- By means of thermodynamic principle the deoxidation power of several ferro-alloys has been calculated,and the conditions of the molten slag formation from deoxidation products has also been analysed. 应用热力学原理,计算分析了各种铁合金的脱氧能力和脱氧产物形成液态熔渣的条件。
- Our actions often negate our principles. 我们的行为时常与我们所信奉的原则背道而弛。
- It goes against my principles to deceive a man. 欺骗人是违背我的处世原则的。
- His actions are congruous with his principles. 他的行动和他的主义侣一致。
- It goes against the Marxist principles. 这违反马克思主义原则。
- He stuck hard and fast to his principles. 他坚定不移地坚持自己的准则。
- Based on thermodynamics principle,the feasibility for melting iron borings in cupola was ana lysed. 从热力学角度分析了在冲天炉内熔炼铸铁切屑的可行性。
- Based on the thermodynamics principle, the chemical explosion mechanism of coal gangue heap was studied. 应用热力学原理研究了煤矸石山与雨水作用的化学爆炸机理。
- He sticks to his principles by forty. 他绝对坚持他的原则。
- He suffered for his revolutionary principles. 他为了自己的革命原则而蒙受苦难。