- The hydraulic calculation of perforated outlet pipe of secondary sedimentation thank has been presented in this paper. 主要介绍了二次沉淀池淹没式穿孔出水管的水力计算方法。
- Three questions about the hydraulic calculation of inlet/discharge piping to/from PRV are discussed. 针对安全阀进出口管道水力学计算中常遇到的3个问题进行了讨论。
- Mathematical model of gas networks hydraulic calcu lation by node method is introduced,and hydraulic calculation is done by linear method. 介绍了采用燃气管网节点法水力计算的数学模型,运用线性化法进行水力计算。
- Established hydraulic database for water supply networks incorporated all the network related manipulations including the hydraulic calculation, operation monitoring, dispatching, performance, optimum design and drawing and plotting to a full integrality. 给水管网水力计算模型数据库的建立,可以把给水管网计算、监控、调度、运行、优化设计和绘图有机地结合在一起。
- This paper describes the law of main physical configuration parameters affecting on hydraulic characteristic of bifurcated pipe by means of hydraulic calculation and model test, suggestion is given on the selection of the configuration parameters. 摘要通过水力数值计算、水力模型试验对西龙池抽水蓄能电站内加强月牙肋岔管水力特性进行了较系统的研究,总结了内加强月牙肋岔管主要体形参数对其水力特性的影响规律,并对内加强月牙肋岔管体形参数选择提出建议。
- In the mean time, users can input the parameters and attributes of pipes, accessories and buildings interactively. The data which are used in the hydraulic calculation module of pipes network and the output module of datasheet. 在绘图的同时,用户交互地输入管线、附件和建筑物的属性和参数,这些数据被合理地存储,用于管网水力计算模块和数据表输出模块。
- In accordance with downhole tubing sticking by sand burial accident, this paper proposes hollow rod sand washing after analysis of downhole string structure and hydraulic calculation of sand grain. 针对处理井下油管砂埋遇卡事故作业中出现的技术问题,在分析井下管柱结构及砂粒的水力计算的基础上,提出了空心抽油杆冲砂工艺处理措施。
- The course contains hydrostatics, hydrodynamics, head loss and related hydraulics calculation, some special hydraulic problems and measurement of hydraulics factors. 主要讲授水静力学、水动力学基础、水头损失及有关水力计算、若干特殊的水力问题、水力要素的量测。
- hydraulic calculation of pipeline network 管网水力计算
- universal hydraulic calculation equation 通用水力计算公式
- The building is made of hydraulic cement. 大楼是用水硬水泥建造的。
- The hydraulic lift is over there. 液压升降机在那儿。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- You are out in your calculation. 你失算了。
- In order to solve the problem of cage-net cleanup during cage mariculture, this paper explores the swirl current fish-cage cleanup equipment and hydraulics calculation during the design course. 摘要解决网箱养殖过程中网衣的清洗问题,设计涡旋式网箱清洗设备。
- Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution. 用热稀释法测定心输出量。
- People came in flocks to see the new hydraulic power station beside the dam. 人们成群结队地来参观水坝旁边新建的水电站。
- After much calculation, they offered him the job. 经过慎重考虑,他们把这项工作交给他了。
- Thermo King Dalian Transport Refrigeration Co. Ltd. 美国冷王大冷王运输制冷有限公司。
- Fitting of Gas Network Hydraulic Calculation with Measured Data 燃气管网水力计算与实测数据的拟合