- He has planned to lacquer the old table. 他计划给旧桌子上一层漆。
- I was surrounded by sky-blue silk and polished lacquer. 我被天蓝色的绸子和光亮的漆器包围著。
- They finished the table in yellow lacquer. 他们最后给桌子上了黄漆。
- Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution. 用热稀释法测定心输出量。
- We finished the desk in antique red lacquer. 我们用古式红漆仔细油漆了这张桌子。
- Glazed lacquer is bad also be a reason. 有光漆不好也是一个原因。
- Thermo King Dalian Transport Refrigeration Co. Ltd. 美国冷王大冷王运输制冷有限公司。
- We finished the desk in antique red lacquer . 我们用古式红漆仔细油漆了这张桌子。
- Head stock built up thermo symmetrically. 主轴箱起到热平衡的作用。
- To decorate with a black enamel or lacquer. 用亮漆或假漆装饰
- A Excuse me, how much for the lacquer table? A劳驾,这张漆器桌卖多少钱?
- Wooden barrel with raw lacquer package. 适用范围本标准适用于盛装生漆的木质包装桶。
- Lacquer ware was very expensive. 这时的漆器很昂贵,
- The grip is wooden and painted with Qing lacquer. 握把还是木的刷过清漆.
- Is it big lacquer fittings with ivory wedged? 是嵌象牙大漆装吗?
- Push light lacquer production, craft unique. 推光漆器的制作,工艺独特。
- The inside of each can is sprayed with lacquer. 每个罐子里面都被喷上了漆。
- This cup is coated with Fujian lacquer. 这个杯子的表层是用建漆漆制成的。
- We brushed the encircling walls with green lacquer. 我们把大多数的墙围都刷上了绿漆。
- Which Computer to Plate Technology Will Win: Violet or Thermo? 哪一种计算机制版技术更好:紫激光还是热敏?