- In recent years, thermal generator unit capacity rased more and more in china. 近年来,我国的火力发电机组逐渐向大容量方向发展。
- The pumped-storage generating unit pumps water at low load of power grid to decrease the loss of thermal generators, and modulate the load at the peak load of power grid. 摘要抽水蓄能机组在电网低谷负荷时作抽水负荷,降低火电机组的压火损耗;电网高峰负荷时顶替火电机组出力调峰。
- A radioisotope thermal generator could provide electricity using heat from plutonium decay, but NASA is leaning against this option because it is expensive and controversial. 另一个提供电力的方法,是利用钸元素衰变放热而生电的放射性同位素热电源,但NASA并不属意这项方案,因为它既昂贵又具争议性。
- Feature on Controled Load for Thermal Generation Units by DCS 用DCS实施火电机组负荷控制的特点
- Hydro Power Optimization in Competition with Thermal Generation 竞价上网中的水电优化运行
- True visionaries are often misunderstood by their own generation. 真正有远见卓识的人往往招致同时代人的误解。
- There is a generation gap between my parents and I. 我父母和我之间有代沟。
- The thermally generated dark current intrinsic to the photodiodes is always working to charge the diode. 光电二极管固有的热产生的暗电流不断为二极管充电。
- Once the measurement connections are made, take care to avoid errors due to thermally generated potentials. 连好电路以后,特别注意避免由热电动势引起的误差。
- He is a member of beat generation. 他是个颓废派的成员。
- A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer. 有时用来指热敏点阵打印机的触针的一个术语。
- My generation behaves differently from my father's. 我们这一代人的所作所为和我父亲的那一代人不同。
- To people of our generation Kennedy was a god. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。
- phase-out of small thermal generating unit 关停小火电
- They set the fashion for the generation. 他们为这一代树立了一个新风尚。
- They set a fashion for the generation. 他们为这一代树立了一个新风尚。
- Many old legends were handed down from generation by mouth. 许多古老的传说都是一代一代口传下来了。
- But it is always the younger generation who will make the future. 但是未来终归要由年青的一代来创造。
- One generation of a specific lineage. 一代家族某种特殊世家的后代
- She was possibly the greatest writer of her generation. 她也许是她那时代最伟大的作家。