- Research on Standard of Thermal Comfort Environment in Civil Buildings 民用建筑环境热舒适标准的探讨
- Research on the indoor thermal comfort environment of rural housing in winter in super- cold region 严寒地区村镇住宅冬季室内热舒适环境研究
- thermal comfort environment 热舒适环境
- Greening has important effects on the outdoor thermal environment quality and the pedestrian thermal comfort. 绿化对改善室外热环境质量、提高行人热舒适有重要作用。
- Thermal comfort exists if the human body in thermal equilibrium with its environment, implying a constant temperature of the body. 若人体与环境达成热平衡,以保持体温恒定,就谓之具有热舒适性。
- Objective To examine the thermal comfort for pilots wearing bladder anti G suit at different metabolic levels and environment temperatures. 目的 评价飞行员配穿囊式抗荷服在不同代谢水平、不同环境温度条件下的温度舒适性。
- Based on the human thermal comfort in natural ventilation environment, establishes a novel evaluation method and reevaluates the tested result. 基于自然通风条件下人体的热舒适建立了一个新的评价方法,并对实测结果重新进行了热舒适评价。
- Therefore, it is very actual value to carry out the research of outdoor environmental thermal comfort. 因此,展开户外热环境舒适性研究具有现实意义。
- P.O.Fanger,Thermal Comfort,Robert E.Krierger Publishing Company,Malabar,FL,1982. 金招芬;朱颖心;2001.;建筑环境学;中国建筑工业出版社
- He longed for the comfortable environment of his livingroom. 他渴望有一个舒适的生活环境。
- The results show that the buried pipe ventilation system can improve indoor thermal comfort in hot climates. 结果表明,埋管系统通风降温可以改善炎热地区的室内热舒适性。
- Second, comfortable environment too is the most dangerous moment. 第二,太舒适的环境就是最危险的时刻。
- Abstract Personalized ventilation systems can enhance IAQ and improve thermal comfort of the human body. 摘要个性化通风系统可以改善空气质量、改善人体热舒适性。
- Gives the foot temperature value in a comfort environment, analyses the factors causing cold feeling on the foot in swimming baths in winter and presents 3 solutions. 给出了舒适环境下的足部温度值,分析了冬季室内游泳馆导致足部寒冷的因素,并提出了3种解决办法。
- The study demonstrates that active FES can enhance thermal comfort while reducing energy use and emissions. 该研究表明增强型FES可在减少能耗和排放的情况下提高热舒适度。
- Based on the index of ADPI, evaluates these air supply methods in thermal comfort. 根据ADPI指标对这几种送回风方式进行了热舒适性评价。
- It carries on the thermal comfort appraisal to the low-temperature radiant floor heating system using PMV and PPD. 并利用预测平均价(PMV)和不满意率(PPD)舒适度指标对低温地板辐射采暖系统进行了评价。
- Abundant color and changeful design mate a more comfortable environment. 此涂料色彩丰富、图案变化多样,让人感觉更舒适。
- The study is based on the human thermal comfort model offered by Fanger and the enthalpy energy theory. 中文摘要现代人有绝大多数的时间处于室内的空间环境,不舒适的空间对人精神及健康上均有不健康的影响。