- The stability of rubbing bear-rotor system can be easily changed by the thermal bow. 动静摩擦产生热弯曲易导致转子失稳。
- Influence of Thermal Bow on the Stability of Rubbing Bearing-Rotor System 摩擦热弯曲对转子稳定性的影响
- Bow Church is dear to the heart of every Londoner. 圣玛利教堂是每一位伦敦市民心爱的地方。
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。
- I'm not going to bow down to such wrong opinions. 我不打算听从这种错误的意见。
- The ship's bow was blown off by a mine. 船头给一枚水雷炸掉了。
- He is the best bow in the county. 他是乡下最好的射手。
- He moved aside for her with a polite bow. 他礼貌地鞠躬,退避一旁让她过去。
- The actress was bowing her thanks again and again. 女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。
- The cellist's bowing was very sensitive. 那位大提琴手的弓法十分细腻。
- Everything bow to success, even grammar. 所有一切均向成功低头,包括文法在内。
- A term sometimes applied to a stylus in a thermal matrix printer. 有时用来指热敏点阵打印机的触针的一个术语。
- The girl makes a bow to her teacher. 那女孩对她老师鞠了一躬。
- She tied her shoelaces in a bow. 她把鞋带打成蝴蝶结。
- Draw not your bow before your arrow is fixed. [谚]箭未搭好别先拉弓; 三思而后行。
- He nearly always wears a bow tie. 他差不多总是系著蝴蝶领结。
- The football team should take a bow for fine work this season. 足球队员们应该站起来接受人们为他们在该赛季中取得的好成绩欢呼鼓掌。
- The speaker had to bow before a storm of abuse from the audience. 那位演讲者在观众严厉的斥责面前吸得屈服。
- The waiter showed us to our table with much bowing and scraping. 服务员一个劲儿地点头哈腰领我们就座。
- It came near being the prettiest bow he had ever seen. 那几乎是他所见过最漂亮的一只果盆。