- The coming and going of all these important diplomats is a sure sign that there is something in the wind. 这些重要外交家的频繁来往,是即将要发生什么事的征兆。
- There is something in what he says. 他讲的话有些道理。
- There is something in what you said. 你说得有点道理。
- There is something in what you say. 你所说 的有些道理。
- There is something in this book. Have you read it? 这本书颇有参考价值,你读过吗?
- There is something in what he said indeed. 他的话确有几分道理。
- What changes they will make nobody knows,but there is something in the air. 无人知道他们将作何变动,但传说会有些变化。
- There is something in what she said. 她说的话有一定道理。
- There is something in what he says . 他说的话有些道理。
- What changes they will make nobody knows, but there is something in the air. 没有人知道他们将做出什么变动,但是有一些谣传。
- There is something strange in the sky. 天空中有些奇怪的东西。
- There is something noticeable in the lawyer's manner. 律师的神情显然跟往常大不相同。
- There is something frank and joyous and young in the area. 这个地区处处给人以豪放,乐观和蒸蒸日上的感觉。
- There is something interesting in the newspaper today. 今天的报纸上有些感兴趣的东西。
- There is something of Arcadia about Kyrgyzstan in the spring. 春天来到了,吉尔吉斯斯坦看上去像是一个世外桃源。
- Do you believe there is something in this world is eternity? 你是否相信这个世界上有什么能是永恒?
- There is a wind of change in the attitude of voters. 选民的态度有改变的趋向。
- There is a straw in the wind indicating that peace is around the corner. 有迹象表明和平即将来临。
- There is something wrong with the car. 这车有点毛病。
- There is something wrong with the machine. 这台机器出毛病了。