- To explore TCM therapeutical principle for bony arthritis of knee, The internal relationship between kidney deficien-cy, blood - stasis and the disease is analysed. 为探讨膝骨性关节炎的中医治则,结合文献资料对膝骨性关节炎与肾虚血瘀的内在联系进行了分析。
- Objective To discuss the therapeutical principle with operation and non-operation of the tractional esophagus diverticulum, so as to master the indication of operation for this disease. 目的探讨牵引型食管憩室的手术与非手术治疗的原则,从而提高对该病手术指征的掌握。
- He pruposed a therapeutical principle of nourishing vin. clearing heal. removing bolld - stasis and expelling sputum. and flexibly modi-ficd the prescription according to the physique and clin... 总结了养阴清热、解毒祛痰的治疗法则,且根据患者的体质、临床表现的不同而随症选药,灵活加减。
- Conclusion The main clinical manifestaion of eclampsia is twitching.The gestational hypertension of active treatment and control twitching,is regarded as its therapeutical principle. 结论子痫的临床表现以抽搐为主,积极治疗妊娠期高血压,控制抽搐,为其治疗原则。
- Prof.Qiu s experience on the treatment of epistaxis was reviewed, and his therapeutical principle and rule of drug application were summarized as fire, deficiency, toxic substance and emergency.Prof. 总结了丘和明教授治疗鼻衄的临床经验,从治火、治虚、治毒、治急治危4个方面归纳了其辨证施治原则及选方用药规律。
- What is the therapeutic principle of the whole-body gamma knife treatment? 体部伽玛刀的治疗原理?
- Its functions and performances are presented in this paper based on therapeutical principles. 正成为治疗体部肿瘤的有效手段。
- therapeutical principle and methods 治法治则
- There are different kinds of therapeutic principles in TCM. 中医有各种不同的治疗原则。
- Objective: To study the mechanism, diagnostic method and therapeutic principle of intracranial arachnoid cysts (IAC). 目的:回顾颅内蛛网膜囊肿的诊断和治疗,探讨其发病机制、诊断方法和治疗原则。
- Objective To investigate the cause and therapeutic principle of bile leakage after cholecystectomy. 目的探讨单纯胆囊切除术后并发胆漏的原因及治疗原则。
- As both syndromes above are excess syndromes, this therapeutic principle is called "treating excess syndromes with the purgation". 以上的证候属于实证,治疗原则为“实者泄之”。
- This paper introduced the therapeutic principle and experience in treatment of the common and frequent disease-hemorrhoids and anal fistula. 摘要介绍临床常见病、多发病-痔病、肛瘘的治疗原则和经验。
- Objective To discuss the clinical characteristics, diagnostic outlines and surgical therapeutic principle of non-invasive fungal nasal sinuitis. 摘要目的探讨非侵袭性真菌性鼻窦炎的临床特征、诊断要点及手术治疗原则。
- "Eliminating blood stasis and promoting tissue regeneration" is a therapeutic principle in TCM which uses very abroad in clinic. 摘要“祛瘀生新”是临床应用广泛的中医治疗法则,历史源远流长。
- The therapeutic principles for venous and arteriosity ulcers are the same. 静脉性溃疡和动脉性溃疡的治疗原则是一致的,皮下组织层以上的溃疡,直接用美宝速愈贴再生愈合。
- The same principle may make for smoother writing. 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- This disease is the syndrome of the deficient incidental and the excessive fundamental,and supplementing Qi and activating blood circulation is the main therapeutic principle. 本病为本虚标实之证,益气活血为主要治疗原则。益气以治其本,活血化瘀以治其标。
- The unbelief of God is our principle. 不信仰上帝是我们的原则。