- Adorno's critical theory of culture industry is full of dialectical constellations:dialectic of subject and object,functionalism dialectic,enlightenment dialectic and so on. 辩证法的星丛关系即是指阿多诺文化工业批判理论的内在建构充满了辩证法的星丛:主客体辩证法、功能主义辩证法、启蒙辩证法等。
- Theory of Subject & Object of Education 主体与客体之说
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- The tourism geography courses which strait serve the base education may use if for reference and according as the theory of sustainable development, reform the idea of education, system of subject and teaching content deeply. 直接服务于基础教育的高师旅游地理课程可以此为借鉴,应在可持续发展理论指导下,对其教学思想观念、学科体系框架和学科内容等方面,进行全方位、广角度的改革与创新,以适应21世纪高校对大学生素质教育的需要。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- The characteristic of the Hegelian theory of tragedy is that it tries to interpret Greek tragedy as reflecting some experience of subjectivity. 黑格尔悲剧理论之特色在于,试图将希腊悲剧解释为呈现了某些主体性的经验。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- It determined the index-weight based on the theory of entropy, which avoided the effect of subjective factor. 在确定指标体系权重时,采用了料熵的概念,避免了人为主观因素的影响。
- There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary. 词典的主题是没有连续性的。
- This dissertation makes a study on category of identity in modern Chinese by the aid of subjectivity theory and iconicity theory of cognitive grammar. 本文借助认知语法的“主观性”理论和“象似性”理论对现代汉语的等同范畴作了分析研究。
- The Growing Point of the Theory of Subject Pedagogy 学科教育学理论的生长点
- the process theory of subject theory 主体论的过程论
- His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。
- The theory of intersubjectivity was put forward at the beginning of last century's 90th, which is both the complement and surpass to the theory of subjectivity. 主体间性理论出现于上个世纪九十年代初,它既是对于主体性理论的合理补充,又是一种实质性的超越。
- It relies on the dynamic integration of the descriptive knowledge and the normative knowledge that we grasp the theory of subjectivity exactly and systemically. 实践生存论范式能够系统地建构对主体性问题的理性的和合理的理解。
- Not everyone can understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity. 不是每个人都能读懂爱因斯坦的相对论的。
- Darwin spend more than twenty year work on his theory of evolution. 达尔文花了二十余年时间研究他的进化论。
- Complete freedom of subject matter. 完全自由的主题事项。