- Preliminary Study on Construction Theory of Ecological town. 生态小城镇建设理论初步探索。
- theory of ecological ethics 生态伦理观
- Chapter Two reveals Willa Cather"s concept of ecological ethics in O Pioneers! 第二章探索了小说中所显现出的生态伦理思想。
- In order to construct the scientific view of ecological ethic, we must sublate the anthrocentrism. 摘要构建科学的生态伦理观,必须扬弃人类中心主义。
- To deduce "ought to be" from "to be" has been a theoretical dilemma confronted by the justification of ecological ethics. 摘要从“是”直接推出“应该”是生态伦理学论证面临的一个理论难题。
- The nature worship of prairie culture is a kind of ecological ethics which returns to nature and pursues(naive) internally. 蒙古族草原文化中的自然观是一种内在的回归自然、追求朴素的生态伦理观。
- Following the development of ecological ethics, Albee strives for the reestablishment of the relationship between man and nature. 在生态文明大潮的影响下,重建人和自然的和谐关系也成为阿尔比奋斗的目标之一。
- In the research of ecological ethics,there is intense disputation around the moral status of natural entity between anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism. 在生态伦理学研究中,人类中心主义和非人类中心主义围绕自然存在物有无道德地位等问题展开了激烈争论。
- In modern society, the thought of ecological ethics plays a positive role in the Hani's terrace operation, eco-tourism industry and environmental protection. 在当代社会,这些生态伦理思想对哈尼梯田良性运转、生态旅游及环境保护发挥着积极的作用。
- The obedience of ecological ethic in ecological development of Yancheng shoals is the prerequisite and guarantee of realizing shoal's natural value and natural rights. 摘要盐城滩涂生态开发需遵循一定的生态道德规范,这是滩涂自然价值、自然权利实现的前提和保障。
- Heidegger's theory of unitary fourfold is an aesthetic view of ecological existentialism which depicts a magnificent prospect of dwelling poetically. 摘要海德格尔的生态存在论美学观提出了天地神人四重整体说,描绘了人类诗意栖居的理想图景。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- The connotation of ecological ethics of outlook on nature in organic theory 有机论自然观的生态伦理学意蕴
- One of the miscomprehensions concerns nature as natural object, and as comes a result of metaphysical crisis of ecology ethics. 这种争论的一个误区是无不将自然理解为自然物,结果造成了生态伦理的形而上学危机。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- Elements of Ecological Ethics in Confucianism 孔子思想中的生态伦理因素
- Abstract: The general ideas of environment and the theory of ecosystem were briefly introduced before the definition of Ecological Environment, which was synchro-configurated and interpreted by fundamental principle of modern ecosystem theory. 文摘:简述环境和生态系统理论,界定生态环境为生态系统理论所理解和同构的环境。