- The compound drugs of Chinese medicine are the quintessence of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. 中药复方是中医学的精髓,但目前专利法的设置以及专利申请文件的撰写格式不利于中药复方的技术保护。
- The theory of MingMen have been made from the gradual combining of the theory of Taoism regimen and the practising of Chinese medicine. 命门学说是道家养生理论与医学实践逐步结合的产物。
- To unearth the theory of Chinese medicine,the article mainly discusses relations of physique,lifespan and pathologo to the natural geography environment. 为了发掘中医理论,本文着重探讨了自然地理环境与体质、寿命、病变等方面的关系。
- Magnetic force curing cholelithiasis (MFCC) was invented according to the channels theory of Chinese medicine and the principle of morden bioelectromagnetism twenty years ago. 根据中国医学的经络理论和现代生物磁学的原理,发明了磁力治疗胆石症,已经有20年了。它把磁穴疗法和来源于传统的中国医学的运动疗法、食物疗法结合起来。
- The author points out that the normal forms of the theory of Chinese medicine and that of western medicine are hardly commensurable on one hand and partly combinable on the other. 中西医结合既存在客观的历史必然性,同时又是一个包含不同层次目标的长期历史过程;中西医结合是中医发展的重要途径,但不是唯一道路;
- So in the theory of Chinese medicine we should treat the comclusions gained by analobies dialectically, and different analyses is combine d with different conditions. 故对取象比类应该持历史的态度,辨证对待中医理论中通过类比所得出的结论,具体情况具体分析。
- METHODS:The basic theory of Chinese medicine was applied to analyze the current common problems encountered by western medicine physicians in the use of Chinese patent drugs. 方法:结合中医药基本理论,分析目前综合性医院西医师应用中成药的常见问题,总结中成药临床应用的注意事项。
- The text which utilized basic theory of Chinese medicine expounded that liver help heart governing mind, lung-qi falling, spleen and stomach activating, kidney primary qi, and bat around the relation of liver and heart, lung, spleen with kidney. 摘要应用中医的基本理论,从肝在五脏中具有升发功能的特性出发,阐述它辅助心主神明,协助肺降,资脾胃运化,助肾元气,详细讨论了肝与心、肺、脾和肾的关系。
- The substance of “the confluence of Chinese and western medicine” is that, the theory of western medicine can be understood, explained and evaluated by using the theory of Chinese medicine. 中西医汇通的实质是站在中医的立场理解西医、解释西医、评价西医;目前的中西医结合模式则是站在西医及西方自然科学的立场理解中医、解释中医、评价中医。
- The Relationship of Chinese Medicine Ganbikang and Ribozyme? 服用‘甘必康'能产生核酶吗?
- Reasonable optimization teaching contents of Chinese medicine. 中医学教学内容的合理优化。
- Properties Theory of Chinese Medicinal Herbs 中药药性理论
- The Guiding Principle of Measure Theory of Higher Education of Chinese Medicine 高等中医教育测量理论的指导原则初探
- Basic theories of Chinese medicine 中医基本理论
- Molecular Composition Theory of Chinese Medicinal Materials(MCTCMM) 分子中药学
- A new species of Chinese medicinal plant -- Uncaria yunnanensis. 中国药用植物的一新种 -- 云南钩藤.
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- A kind of miniature meridian detector based on the mer id ian theory of traditional Chinese medicine is developped. 在传统中医经络理论的基础上,结合先进的电子技术设备,设计了一种小型中医经络检测仪。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- The theory of traditional Chinese medicine has been deeply influenced by classical Chinese materialism and dialectics. 中医药学受古代唯物论和辩证法的深刻影响。