- Hence this theory of quick victory will not do either. 所以也是要不得的。
- The theory of national subjugation is wrong and the theory of quick victory is likewise wrong. 亡国论是不对的,速胜论也是不对的。
- We believe that only in this way can the course of the war be shortened,and we reject the theory of quick victory,which is just idle talk and an effort to get things on the cheap. 我们认为只有这样才能缩短战争的过程,而排斥贪便宜尚空谈的速胜论。
- Now things are better; The experience of ten months of war has been quite sufficient to explode the utterly baseless theory of national subjugation and to dissuade our impetuous friends from their theory of quick victory. 现在好了,抗战十个月的经验,尽够击破毫无根据的亡国论,也尽够说服急性朋友们的速胜论了。
- We believe that only in this way can the course of the war be shortened, and we reject the theory of quick victory, which is just idle talk and an effort to get things on the cheap. 我们认为只有这样才能缩短战争的过程,而排斥贪便宜尚空谈的速胜论。
- The exponents of quick victory are likewise wrong. (二七)然而速胜论者也是不对的。
- This too is a basis for the protracted nature of our War of Resistance and the impossibility of quick victory,but at the same time certain people will use it as a basis for their theories of national subjugation and of compromise. 在这点上面,又产生我们的抗战是持久战而不能速胜的根据,同时也将被一些人利用作为亡国论和妥协论的根据。
- This too is a basis for the protracted nature of our War of Resistance and the impossibility of quick victory, but at the same time certain people will use it as a basis for their theories of national subjugation and of compromise. 在这点上面,又产生我们的抗战是持久战而不能速胜的根据,同时也将被一些人利用作为亡国论和妥协论的根据。
- theory of quick victory 速胜论
- All the experience of the ten months of war proves the error both of the theory of China's inevitable subjugation and of the theory of China's quick victory. 抗战十个月以来,一切经验都证明下述两种观点的不对:一种是中国必亡论,一种是中国速胜论。
- In this connection the excessive demands of the theorists of quick victory are wrong. 速胜论者在这点上面的过分要求,也属不对。
- Here again one can find the basis for the inevitability of the war and the impossibility of quick victory for China. 战争之不可避免和中国之不能速胜,又在这个方面有其基础。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- In the eyes of the subjugationists the enemy are supermen and we Chinese are worthless,while in the eyes of the theorists of quick victory we Chinese are supermen and the enemy are worthless. Both are wrong. 亡国论者看敌人如神物,看自己如草芥,速胜论者看敌人如草芥,看自己如神物,这些都是错误的。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- These are the basic factors in Japan's war of aggression. The inevitability of the war and the impossibility of quick victory for China are due to Japan's imperialist system and her great military,economic and political-organizational power. 这是日本侵略战争的基本条件,战争的不可避免和中国的不能速胜,就建立在这个日本国家的帝国主义制度及其强的军力、经济力和政治组织力上面。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- In the eyes of the subjugationists the enemy are supermen and we Chinese are worthless, while in the eyes of the theorists of quick victory we Chinese are supermen and the enemy are worthless. Both are wrong. 亡国论者看敌人如神物,看自己如草芥,速胜论者看敌人如草芥,看自己如神物,这些都是错误的。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。