- By employing Fouculdian theory of power and knowledge, this essay further explores the innate complicity between economic and political power and discourse. 在话语权被垄断的情境下,美国等西方媒体制造了一个被扭曲的、刻意掩盖的、偏见化的伊斯兰世界的图景。
- C-Etranslation in the Perspective of Philosophical Hermenetics, Dialogical Theory and Theory of Power and Discourse 解释学、对话理论和权力话语观照下的汉-英翻译
- theory of power and discourse 权力话语理论
- He was tantalized by visions of power and wealth. 他追求不到可望而不可即的权力和财富,受尽了折磨。
- The theory of the separation and restriction of power and that of the agent cost are the theoretical foundation of the system of the board of censors. 指出分权制衡理论和代理成本理论是监事会制度的理论基础;
- Our army is full of power and grandeur. 我们的队伍威武雄壮。
- pine secretly
- She rose to undreamed-of heights of power and fame. 她的权力和声望上升到她做梦都想不到的高度。
- Politics means the obtainment of power and its use. 摘要政治是对权力的获取和运用。
- You must be prodigal of your offers of power and blankets. 不论火药也好,毛毯也好,你一定要毫无吝惜地答应付给。
- The baron expected his baroness to marry a man of power and wealth. 男爵盼望自己的女儿嫁个有钱有势的人。
- I've got a lot of power and responsibilities in my job. 我这份工作的权力和责任都很重大。
- He says Freud's theory of dreams has much power and beauty. 他说,弗洛伊德关于梦的理论有许多有力和美妙之处,
- The Theory of Balance of Power and the World Order 均势理论与世界秩序
- Reduce the consumption of power and dissipation of radiation. 减少能源耗用量和散发的辐射量。
- So here I need to retrieve a lot of power and truth lost over time. 因此在这里,我需要要回大量随时间丢失的力量和真相。
- This paper probes into the theories of power restricting power and right restricting power concerning the administrative public welfare action. 对涉及行政公益诉讼的权力制约理论和权利制约权力理论进行了有关探讨。
- The Yellow River Cantata is full of power and grandeur. 《黄河大合唱》气势磅礴。
- The baron expect his baroness to marry a man of power and wealth. 男爵盼望自己的女儿嫁个有钱有势的人。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。