- Theory of consumer behavior 消费者行为理论
- new theory of consumer behavior 新的消费行为理论
- The paper analyzes the ways and mechanism of externality of green consumer behavior based on the externality theory of economics. 摘要本文运用经济学中的外部性原理,分析消费者购买绿色产品行为的外部性表现形式和形成机制。
- Katona had studied the psychological foundation of consumer behavior, especially anticipation's forming. 对消费者行为的研究有微观和宏观之分。
- Tinkering around with elements of consumer behavior won't deliver the changes we need. 修修补补的内容围绕消费者的行为将不会带来我们所需要的变化。
- This paper establishes a new CSI model based on the present studies in combination with the characteristics of consumer behavior in china. 本文在已有研究的基础上,结合我国消费者行为的特点,构建了一种新型顾客满意度指数测评模型。
- Corresponding to the individualization and diversification of consumer behavior, retailing is constantly reinvented itself. 相对应的个性化与多样化的消费行为,零售,是不断改造自己。
- Digression law of marginal effect is widely used in explaining customers' demands in western economics, which is a basic law of consumer behavior. 摘要边际效用递减是现代西方经济学中研究消费者行为时,用来解释需求规律的一种理论观点,也是关于消费者行为的一条基本规律。
- McNeal, James U. and Chyon-Hwa Yeh (1997), “Development of Consumer Behavior Patterns among Chinese Children,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 14:45-59. 谢嘉霝(1995),两岸女性消费者对不同制造地女装态度与消费行为之比较分析,元智工学院管理研究所硕士论文。
- Jean Baudrillard's theory of sign consumption inherits from Marx's commodity fetishism and the western Marxist's theory of consumer alienation. 摘要鲍德里亚的符号消费理论是与马克思的商品拜物教和西方马克思主义者的消费异化是一脉相承的。
- Aggarwal, P., and Vaidyanathan, R. (2003).Use it or lose it: purchase acceleration effects of time-limited promotions. Journal of Consumer Behavior, 2(4), 393-403. 丁源宏(1999)。不同媒介特性、广告诉求与产品涉入度对广告效果影响之探讨-比较平面媒体与网际网路,国立中山大学传播管理研究所硕士论文。
- Behalf, the purchase is the largest life of consumer behavior, a lot of poor people their life savings before the overdraft after the half-plus salary to buy a house. 说情,购房是人们一生中最大宗的消费行为,很多人穷其前半生的积蓄再加上透支后半生的薪水,才能买到一套房子。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- When a similar spike occurred during the economic doldrums of 1990 and 2001, this type of consumer behavior didn't elude Leonard Lauder, chairman of Estee Lauder Companies. 1990-2001年经济低迷时期,也发生类似的现象,化妆品集团雅诗兰黛的总裁发现了这种消费行为。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- There has been some research abroad on consumer behavior applied in the field of consumer segmentation, like RFM model, Customer Value Matrix (CVM) model, etc. 国外已有一些关于消费者行为应用于客户细分方面的研究,如RFM细分模型、客户价值矩阵模型等。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- Through the exposition of consumer psychology and introduction of functionalist theory of translation, the thesis intends to find some general principles guiding brand name translation. 本文通过对消费心理学的阐述和对功能翻译理论的介绍,旨在寻求指导商标翻译的一般性原则。