- We've commissioned a number of historical studies. 我们还委托别人进行了若干项历史研究,努力寻找一些问题的答案,如:历史上的重大变化是如何发生的?
- theories of historical studies 史学理论
- In ancient China, the ruling class' will and aspirations was reflected in historiography, since they determined the strategy, purpose and demands of historical studies. 摘要史学政策是指统治阶级对历史研究的总策略、总目的和总要求,是统治阶级思想意志在史学方面的具体体现。
- This paper, from the perspective of historical studies, explores the generation of the problem of "Subjectiveness" in the Guomintang occupied areas in the latter part of the anti-Japanese war. 摘要本文从历史研究的角度出发,探讨“论主观”问题在抗战后期国统区的出现。
- methodology of historical studies 学术理路
- Through full and accurate materials, this paper appraises Tacitus' historical views of society and then analyses the characteristics of historical study in ancient Rome. 本文以翔实的材料评述了塔西陀的社会历史观,并进而分析了古罗马史学的特征。
- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正确地使用社会科学的理论
- The laws of historical development will assert themselves. 历史发展的规律是不可抗拒的。
- Understanding of Work Theory of Value from the Perspective of Historical Mmaterialism. 从唯物史观视角深化对劳动价值论的认识。
- TOYNBEE regards the integrated civilization as a unit of history study, this has interpreted the theory of general and comprehensive historical study. 汤因比把整体性的文明作为历史研究的单位,进一步开拓了宏观综合治史的理论;
- I think the theory of inorganic origin of petroleum hydrocarbons has not been generally accepted. It is merely of historical interest. 我认为石油碳氢化合物无机来源的理论未能被多数人接受,它仅在过去引起过某些人的兴趣。
- This battle is of historic meaning. 这一战具有历史意义。
- Chapter Three is the description of the influences exercised on Turkic ethnic groups, bases on the theory of historical and cultural areas. 由于新疆处在伊斯兰文化和国家主流文化(以儒家为代表的汉文化)两种强势文化的交汇区,因而处于两套文化价值观的调适阶段。
- The museum is full of historical curiosities. 这座博物馆有许多珍奇历史文物。
- Mr Hou"s research about ancient social history of china is the important mark about chinesization of historical theory of Marxism. 侯外庐先生的中国古代社会史研究是马克思主义史学理论中国化的重要标志。
- This paper uses the method of historical and document research to observe the mental health theory of Taijiquan and its scientific foundation. 运用历史方法和文献研究法对太极拳健心文化及其科学基础予以考察。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- Mr Hou's research about ancient social history of china is the important mark about chinesization of historical theory of Marxism. 关于中国古代变法的艰巨性问题等等。侯外庐先生的中国古代社会史研究是马克思主义史学理论中国化的重要标志。
- The two theories of political behavior vary, but they are compossible. 这两种有关政治行为的理论有差异,但彼此可并存。
- Abstract: It is unilateral to comprehend Marxist theory of practice in ontological context or in methodology of historical materialism. 文章摘要: 对马克思的实践思想,仅从本体论的意义上去理解,或者仅从历史唯物主义方法论的意义上去理解,都是片面的。