- Howev-er, from Habermas, the representative of the second generation of the Frankfurt Scho ol, this consistent theoretical evolution has taken a change. 但是,从法兰克福学派第二代代表哈贝马斯开始,这种一以贯之的理论演进却发生了转向。
- Marx s theoretical evolution of the origin of law can be divided into three stages: the earliest stage,the developing stage,and the last stage,and Engels thoughts of law belong to the last stage. 马克思法律起源理论的演变可以划分为思想萌芽时期、形成和发展时期、晚年时期三个阶段,而恩格斯的法律思想可以划归为第三阶段。
- The Theoretical Evolution of the Concept of Professional Manager 职业经理人概念的理论演进
- Theoretical evolution of dynamic capabilities and its strategic implications to high-tech enterprises'innovation 动态能力的理论演进及其对高科技企业创新的战略涵义
- The space program is the evolution of years of research. 太空计划是多年研究的发展结果。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- Theoretical evolution, value goal and realistic enlightenment of market socialism 市场社会主义的理论沿革、价值目标及现实启迪
- Do you know about the evolution of a seed into a plant? 你知道从种子发展成为植物的过程吗?
- Our watchword is: Evolution, not revolution'. 我们的口号是: `要循序渐进,不要剧烈变革.;'
- It's a theoretical possibility, but I don't suppose it will happen. 这是一种理论上的可能性,但我认为这种情况不会发生。
- This book is too theoretical; I need a practical one. 这本书理论性太强,我需要一本实用的。
- The government and central bank were in theoretical harmony. 政府与中央银行按理论是协调一致的。
- Darwin spend more than twenty year work on his theory of evolution. 达尔文花了二十余年时间研究他的进化论。
- In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution. 在政治上,英国喜欢渐进而不喜欢革命。
- Our political institutions are in continuous evolution. 我们的政治制度正在不断发展中。
- This is a clear exposition of the theory of evolution. 这是对进化论的清晰的阐述。
- The evolution of heat from the sun is inestimable. 从太阳中放射出的热是无法估计的。
- The old professor had presided over a seminar for theoretical physicists. 老教授主持了一次理论物理学家的研讨会。
- We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds. 我们研究从种籽和花蕾到花的成长过程。
- The work at hand is not a theoretical treatise. 这本著作不是一篇理论性的论文。