- Then, and not till then, the man in her was vanished, and the woman in her resumed away. 当时,并且在那以前她就丧失了她的男子气概,女人的本色又占了上风。
- then and not till then 那时候才开始
- Not till then did I realize the danger of the situation. 直到那个时候我才感到形势的危险。
- Not till then did little France realize how important learning was. 到那时候小弗朗斯才知道学习有多么重要。
- But there is; and not so long till then; and we'll see who'll be glad have a hostage when it comes to that. 这是千真万确的,到时候,我倒要看看谁会因手中有个人质而高兴。
- Not till then did they awaken to the reality that the student had mastered the techniques for passing the tests, not necessarily the skills demonstrated in them. 直到这时他们才恍然大悟,意识到虽然这位学生掌握了要通过考试所需的技巧,却不一定表示他也掌握了其中所包含的技能。
- "We will discuss it then and not make any statements beforehand," the German said in the Principality. "我们会讨论,然后和不作任何声明之前,“这位德国车手说,在公.
- Till mountains crumble, Streams run dry, Thunder rumbles in winter, Snow falls in summer, And the earth mingles with the sky Not till then will I cease to love you! 如果掷出两点、我想和你组成两姓家庭。如果掷出三点、认识你是我的三生有幸。如果掷出四点、我会做到对其他的女孩四大皆空。如果掷出五点、没你在我身边我会五内具焚。如果掷出六点、六道轮回不忘你。
- I decided to do it then and there. 我决定当场立即就做。
- He was hatchet-faced and not at all handsome. 他是瘦长脸,一点也不漂亮。
- Let's not make a decision till then. 到时再定吧。
- He is only interested in things and not people. 他只对物而不对人感兴趣。
- He was not in his office and I eventually tracked him down in the lab. So we discussed the problem then and there. 他不在办公室,最后我在实验室里找到了他,在那里我们当场讨论了那个问题。
- No amount of laughter disconcerted her, and not till several minutes had gone by - or so it seemed - would she sit down solemnly, making her chair creak. 不管同学们怎样笑她,她一点也不感到慌乱,仍旧弄得椅子响,庄严的,似乎费掉了几分钟才坐下去。
- He's incompetent and not worth keeping on. 他庸碌无能,不值得留用。
- Did, till we loved ? were we not wean'd till then ? 在于什么?莫非我们还没断奶,
- It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about. 区区小事不值得争吵。
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。
- Of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT. 通过和、或、非、如果、那么和除非等运算符号处理命题和计算机逻辑要素等变元的逻辑组合体系,或与其有关。
- Tell him to keep calm and not to crowd the mourners. 叫他保持冷静,不要操之过急。