- thematic paralogia 主旨性论理倒错
- He has a series of thematic commemorative stamps. 他有一系列专题纪念邮票。
- Profound and Extensive Thematic Discussions. 是讨论主题深入广泛。
- Thematic Technology Seminar By DuPont. 杜邦公司专题技术辅导会。
- Thematic household survey report no. 主题性住户统计调查第。号报告书。
- The volume may be approached from several thematic directions. 研究本书可以从几个主题着手。
- Thematic maps illustrate a particular theme or topic. 专题地图图示一个专题或主题。
- Guide for developing interdisciplinary thematic units II. 跨学科主题单元教学指南2。
- Thematic wall with bluestone ferruginous board show irregular put. 主题墙以青石铁锈板呈不规则摆放。
- Grid: A surface thematic interpolating point data over a region. 网格:一种表面专题插值数据点的区域。
- A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work. 主题艺术品或文学作品中反复体现的、揭示主题的部分
- Ecological landscape mapping is one of the fields of thematic mapping. 生态景观制图是专题制图学的重要发展方向之一。
- The demonstrations only to be held under some special thematic months. 示范节目的演示只限于特定的主题月。
- Thematic analysis plays a very important role in linguistic studies. 摘要角色分析在语言研究中占有举足轻重的地位。
- This show seems more thematic than your previous concerts. Why the change? 这次的演唱会比之前的更有主题性,为什麽会有这样的变化?
- Theta theory is about the relation between Argument and Thematic roles. 题元理论是关于论元与题元角色分配的理论。
- On a thematic level,ENIGMA 3 explored an even more complex and provocative milieu than its preceding chapters. 从主题的层次来看,《谜3》较之前两张专辑探索了一种更为复杂和令人深思的背景。
- The unconscious needs were scored from their stories created based on thematic apperception test pictures. 无意识需求是从他们基于主题知觉测试图片所创作的故事所得。
- An independent piece written for piano and usually based on a single,short thematic motif. 序曲一首为钢琴所做的独立曲目,通常以一单独的,较短的主旋律为基调
- The Research and Inspections Branch monitors inspections within police formations and conducts thematic studies throughout the Force. 研究及监察科负责监管警队各单位内的视察工作,以及进行警队内的专题研究。