- the whilom editor in chief. 从前的主编
- The editor in chief cut out the last paragraph. 主编删去了最后一段。
- The editor in chief docked some of the articles. 总编辑删节了某些文章。
- I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern. 我曾是西北日报的主编。
- Assistant to the editor in chief! 执行总编的助理!
- It is here editor in chief's room. 这里是总编辑室。
- Everybody, gird your loins. The editor in chief is coming! 大家各就各位。主编来了!
- Our editor in chief is, so to speak, a king in the office. 我们的总编辑在办公室里,可说是,像个国王。
- The editor in chief thinks highly of this article of his. 主编很赏识他这篇文章。
- Nybakken, editor in chief, William W.Broenkow, Tracy L.Vallier. 书名 :Interdisciplinary encyclopedia of marine sciences /edited by James W.
- Inside the room there are three editor in chiefs. 房间里有三位总编辑。
- Inside the room there are three editors in chief. 房间里有三位总编辑。
- He angles his reports to please his editor in chief. 他改变写报告的角度,以取悦主编。
- The editor in chief was relieved from his post at the age of sixty-five. 总编辑在六十五岁时被解除职务。
- The editor in chief embroidered the original story beyond recognition. 总编辑把这篇报道原稿刻意雕缀得面目全非。
- He has been appointed editor in chief vice Mr.White,who has retired. 他被任命为总编辑,代替已退休的怀特先生。
- Janet Gabler-Hover & Robert Sattelmeyer, editors in chief. 书名/作者(Title/Author) American history through literature; 1820-1870.
- The resignation of the editor in chief was remarked upon by all the staff members in the newspaper office. 报社的职员对总编辑的辞职议论纷纷。
- I asked to speak to the editor in chief and the telephone operator promptly put me on to him. 我要求和总编辑讲话,接线员立即给我接通了电话。