- The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide. 最低朝就是高潮的开始。
- Stalingrad in Februrary 1943 marked the turn of the tide in Russia. 1943年2月,斯大林格勒战役标志着俄国形势的转机。
- Stalingrad in February 1943 marked the turn of the tide in Russia. 1943年2月,斯大林格勒战役标志着俄国形势的转机。
- Flowing with a little speed as e.g. at the turning of the tide. 流动的速度慢,例如在水流回转的地方。
- I don't like the turn of the sentence. 我可不喜欢这句话的措词。
- For Napoleon the turn of the tied came soon after he divorced Josephine. 对拿破仑来说,他与约瑟芬离婚不久形势就急转直下了。
- She got ill at the turn of the season. 她在换季时病了。
- Dating all the way back to the turn of the century. 可以追溯到世纪之初。
- He was born at the turn of the century. 他是本世纪初出生的。
- The turn of the age gestates various ideas. 新旧交替的时代造就多元的思想。
- It was built at the turn of the century. 这是在世纪之交修建的。
- China's Population at the Turn of the Centuries II. 世纪之交的中国人口2。
- The socialists hoped for a turn of the tide, that public opinion might turn in their favour. 社会党人希望舆论的趋势变得对他们有利。
- He was taken aback by the turn of events. 事件的发展令他措手不及。
- The socialists hoped for a turn of the tide, that public opinion might turn in their favor. 社会党人希望舆论的趋势变得对他们有利。
- He could be proclaimed a saint by the turn of the Millennium. 他可能会在千禧年之交被正式宣布为圣徒。
- People in this region embraced Christianity at the turn of the century. 这一地区的人在本世纪初开始信奉基督教。
- She'll shake you off just as sure as the turn of the worlds. 她就一定会把你弄下来就象世界一定会变化一样。
- By the turn of the keyboard keys running around, on Key Hurdle. 交替按键盘左右键奔跑,上键跨栏。
- At the turn of the century, anarchism was the savage catalyst. 在世纪交替之际,无政府主义常造成暴力事件。