- the tonic solfa 首调唱法,梭法谱法((用 do,re,mi,fa,sol,la,ti 之起首字母的记谱、教唱法))
- A key or scale in which D is the tonic. D键,D阶以D音为主调音的琴键或音阶
- A key or scale in which F is the tonic. 发F音的键以F音为主调音的琴键或音阶
- The relationship between fixed-doh and concept of tonic solfa has long been a hard nut in piano vamping teaching. 固定唱名与首调概念的关系问题,一直是钢琴即兴伴奏教学中的难题。
- She steeped the tonic in the yellow millet wine. 她把这补品泡进了黄酒里。
- A key or scale in which A is the tonic. A调音阶以A调为主音调的音键或音阶
- A key or scale in which B is the tonic. B键,B阶以B音为主音调的琴键或音阶
- The tonic is carried inside the listener's head. 主音一直在听者头脑中回旋。
- A key or scale in which E is the tonic. E调音阶以E调为主音调的音键或音阶
- A key or scale in which G is the tonic. G调音阶以G调为主音调的音键或音阶
- The weekend break was just the tonic I needed. 周末休息正是我所需要的养精蓄锐的机会。
- A key or scale in which the tone of C is the tonic. c调音阶以c调为主音的音键或音阶
- I'll have a gin and tonic please, but go easy on the tonic. 我想喝一杯杜子酒和汽水混合的饮料,不过汽水少些。
- Designating a cadence or chord progression from the dominant to the tonic at the end of a phrase or piece of music. 完全终止的在乐章或乐曲结尾指出由第五音到主音的和声或和弦的
- I'll have a gin and tonic please,but go easy on the tonic. 我想喝一杯杜子酒和汽水混合的饮料,不过汽水少些。
- In tonal music it is next in importance to the tonic. 在调性音乐中,其是仅次于主音的重要调。
- Actually you have not taken any panacea and the tonic. 其实你没有吃过什么灵丹妙药和补品。
- 4.Teaching by method of tonic solfa, students built up interval aural ability. 四、以首调唱名法进行教学,有助于学生音程音感的建立。
- The good news acted as a tonic on us all. 那个好消息让我们大家欢欣鼓舞。
- The tonic pitch is played as a drone that runs throughout the performance. 主音音高作为一种低音调奏出,在整个演奏中贯穿始终。