- Two-Element Generation of Certain Classical Groups Over the Ring of Integer Numbers 整数环上一些典型群的二元生成
- the ring of integer numbers 整数环
- His voice carries the ring of authority. 他的声音中带有权威的口气。
- His voice had the ring of exasperation. 他的声音带有着恼怒。
- Her speech carried the ring of authority. 她的讲话带着权威的口吻。
- The ring of the bell filled the air. 铃声响彻空中。
- Let G be a finite Abelian group,an ideal in the groupring Z_(p~r)[G] is called an Abelian code over Z_(p~r), where Z_(p~r) is the ring of integers modulo p~r. 设G为有限阿贝尔群; 群环Zp[G]中的理想称为Zpr 上的阿贝尔码; 其中Zpr 为模pr 剩余类环.
- He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. 他随著一阵电铃的响声醒来。
- Our army tightened the ring of encirclement. 我军紧缩了包围圈。
- His words have the ring of truth. 他的话听来像是真的。
- Ralph looked for confirmation round the ring of faces. 拉尔夫环顾着四周,看着一张张面孔,寻求大家的赞同。
- The ring of onlookers distended and closed again elastically. 围观的一圈人散开了,接着又弹簧一般聚拢来。
- Then a has a square root in the ring of p-adic integers Z p. 如普利斯特里通过碳酸盐与酸反应生成的二氧化碳。
- He awoke to the ringing of the electric bell. 电铃响时,他醒了过来。
- I was roused by the ringing of a bell. 铃声把我惊醒。
- Dinner was announced by the ringing of the bell. 敲钟通知进膳。
- She awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. 她在电铃声中醒来。
- The crowd panicked at the ringing of the siren. 听到警报器响,人群惊慌失措。
- Nap time ended with the ringing of the bell. 小睡时间最后被铃声打断。
- The jeweller will engrave the inside of the ring with her name. 珠宝匠将在戒指的内表面上刻上她的名字。