- Article 4. The issuing and trading of stocks shall not impinge the State owned property to safeguard and ensure the principal position of the socialist public ownership. 第四条股票的发行与交易,应当维护社会主义公有制的主体地位,保障国有资产不受侵害。
- My wages are the principal source of my income. 薪金是我收入的主要来源。
- The principal shareholder ask for a meeting. 主要股东们要求召开会议。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- the principal position of party members 党员主体
- respecting the principal position of party members 尊重党员主体地位
- She drank in every word of the principal's lecture. 她全神贯注地听校长演讲的字字句句。
- John informed the principal against Paul. 约翰向校长告发了保罗。
- The principal dwelt on traffic safety in his talk. 校长没完没了地谈论交通安全问题。
- The principal reprimand the student for his chronic lateness. 校长斥责那个学生不该接二连三地迟到。
- Swahili is the principal lingua franca in East Africa. 东非的主要交际语是斯瓦希里语。
- The principal is busy at his desk, you'd better leave him alone. 校长正忙于桌上的工作,你最好别打扰他。
- The Danube is one of the principal rivers of Europe. 多瑙河是欧洲的主要河流之一。
- Miss Parker sent Joe to the principal's office for giving her a dirty look.. 因为乔瞪了帕克小姐一眼,她便把乔送到校长办公室。
- I've been to the Principality of Monaco. 我曾去过摩纳哥公国。
- The principal discouraged unexcused absences. 校长不准无故缺课。
- The principal has a very tight schedule. 校长的日程表排得满满的。
- The principal knew all the students individually. 校长认识每个学生。
- The principal's prerogative to suspend a student. 校长所拥有的可除名学生的权力
- Sometimes he reviewed for the principal papers. 他有时为各大报写些评论文章。