- He was at the meridian of his power then. 那时他获得了最高权力。
- the meridian hour 正午时刻
- the meridian hour. 正午时刻
- In all cases the gnomon lies in the plane of the meridian. 表始终都处于子午面内。
- The Meridian Gate as viewed from inside the Forbidden City. 从紫禁城内望午门。
- He is now at the meridian of his intellectual power. 他现在正值智力全盛期。
- The church bell tolled the hour. 教堂的鸣钟报时。
- He is at the meridian of life. 他正值壮年。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- UK scientists believe the meridian's role in timekeeping is under threat. 英国科学家相信,子午线在计时角色上已受到威胁。
- The bail connecting the most inferior gimbal axis to the next gimbal axis mounts the meridian accelerometer. 把最里面的框架轴与第二框架轴连接在一起的框架上安装了子午线加速度计。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- Regular use of the quality of the jade period Scrapping plate Qi Huoxue help unclog the meridian and no side-effects. 常期使用玉质刮痧板有助于行气活血、疏通经络而没有副作用。
- At any point the convergence is the angle between the meridian as represented on the plane and the N grid line. 一点上的收敛角是子午线在平面上的投影与N坐标线之间的角度。
- It took him half an hour to finish the work. 他花了半个小时做完这项工作。
- Father must take his pill on the hour. 父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。
- This Venus of the dunes, virgin of the time-slopes, rose above Tallis into the meridian sky. 这个沙丘的维纳斯,这个时间边坡的童贞女,越过塔利斯的头顶,冉冉升起,直冲云宵。
- The lecturer spoke about an hour. 那位演说者讲了大约一小时。
- The Palace Museum, with four gates, has its main entrance to the south, known as the Meridian Gate. 故宫博物院有四个宫门,南为午门,是主要入口。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。