- Land contract responsibility system clarifying the rural land use and income rights, but is still the land collectively owned. 土地承包责任制明晰了农村土地的使用和收益权利,但土地仍是集体所有。
- Thereafter, the land contract was furthermore made inheritable to the peasants households, thus to encourage longer term invest. 其后,土地合同更被定为可以由耕种这块土地的农户继承,以鼓励更长期的投资。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- The land is destined for a new shopping center. 这块地已被划作为营建一个新购物中心之用。
- The land is to be sold with plan permission. 这块地与建筑许可证一并出售。
- The spy was dishonourably banished from, the land. 那个间谍被不光彩地驱逐出境。
- The land dips sharply to the south. 那块地向南急速倾斜。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- the land contract operation right 土地承包经营权
- He enclosed the land with a hedge. 他用篱笆把地圈起来。
- the property right of the land contract fight 物权化
- He knows the lay of the land here. 他了解这里的地形。
- The land contracting right of management circulation does not mean that walks to privatizing ownership of the land's direction. 土地承包经营权流转并不意味着向土地私有化的方向上走。
- The court pronounced against my claim to the land. 法庭宣判不承认我对这片土地的权益。
- Giving full play to the role of the land in ensuring elderly people's livelihood and protecting farmers', including the elderly people's, right to operate land contracted to them. 发挥土地养老的保障作用,保护包括广大老年人在内的农民土地承包经营权。
- The land previously cultivated returned to forest. 以前开垦过的那片土地现在又成了森林了。
- The land has been separated (up) into small plots. 这块地已经分成小块了。