- The fund is earmarked for public health services. 这笔钱是专为保健事业用的。
- The fund is voluntarily administered. 这个基金是无偿管理的。
- the fund is restrained 资金约束
- The fund is campaigning for a ban on the import of seal products. 这个基金会正在呼吁政府禁止海豹产品的进口。
- A fix proportion of the fund is invest in british firm. 资金中有一固定部分是投资於英国企业的。
- The fund is for relieving distress among the flood victims. 这笔款项是用於解救洪水灾民的困苦的。
- The fund is expected to reach a value of about 200 billion dollars. 该投资预计将达到约2000亿美元。
- A fix proportion of the fund is invested in British firm. 资金中有一固定部分是投资于英国企业的。
- Strain brain on the train is restrained. 在列车上过度用脑受到约束.
- If performance in the fund is good, the incentive fees are huge. 如果表现在基金是好的,奖励费是巨大的。
- In the fund she is the softest, sweetest, gentlest lady breathing. 实际上她是世上最温柔、最甜、最体贴的女了。
- Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed. 资金审查期间工作暂停。
- She contributed to the fund with an open heart. 她向基金会捐款,慷慨解囊。
- Mao Yushi's dedicate design for the operation of the fund is solid basis. 茅于轼在基金制度设计上的独具匠心,是基金可持续发展的坚实基础。
- Note that expense accounts are debited each time the fund is replenished. 应当注意的是:每次补足备用金时,借记费用账户。
- The petty cash account is debited only when the fund is first established. 只有当初次设置备用金时,才借记零用现金账户。
- Srain brain on the train is restrained. 在列车上过度用脑受到约束。
- The fund is expected to reach a value of about two hundred billion dollars. 这个基金预计将融资约两千亿美元。
- A collection will be made for the fund. 为筹措该基金将举行一次募捐。
- Black is restrained,depressive and hard to ponder. 黑色是收敛的,沉郁的,难以琢磨的。