- He is absorbed in the evolution of the story. 他被故事情节的发展吸引了。
- On the Pattern of the Evolution of Ea. 论中国早期国家的演进模式。
- They study the evolution of the universe. 他们研究宇宙的演变。
- The space program is the evolution of years of research. 太空计划是多年研究的发展结果。
- Do you know about the evolution of a seed into a plant? 你知道从种子发展成为植物的过程吗?
- The evolution of heat from the sun is inestimable. 从太阳中放射出的热是无法估计的。
- It is shown that detuning frequency has no effect on the evolution of thermal entanglement in the system. 结果表明:失谐量并不影响系统热纠缠度的演化;
- The evolutions of the waltzers were quieted. 华尔兹的舞步也不再旋转了。
- Summary on the Evolution of the Leadership System in Colleges and Universities since the Founding of P. R.C. 建国以来高校内部领导体制演变过程概述。
- Nothing threatens the permanence of the system. 该体系的永恒性不受任何事物的影响。
- The evolution of the system of prefectural commissioner's office was, on the whole, a reflection of this tortuous historical process. 专员区公署制推行与变改的演变,大致反映了这一曲折的历史进程。这一曲折进程中所折射的政府与法制的关系问题,足以引人深思。
- This paper introduces the evolution of the foreign exchange rate regimes after the Bretton Woods System. 本文简要考察了布雷顿森林体系崩溃后 ,汇率制度在时间上的演进。
- At the same time,the author also analyzes the evolution of this system after the collapse of the foamy econmy. 同时,对自泡沫经济崩溃以来,日本的劳动雇佣制度发生的变化作进一步的阐述。
- Figure 1-1: The evolution of the software development process. 图1-1 软件开发流程的历史变迁
- Second, we trace the evolution of the nomination system within the Democratic Progressive Party since the 1990s. 再来,概略描述民进党从1990年代以来的提名制度变动,并对其影响稍作评论;
- A true pioneer in terms of the evolution of human consciousness. 他是探索人类意识进化的真正的先驱者。
- "It is a natural step in the evolution of the Web," Kapur said. “随着网络的日趋个性化,这一热潮将席卷各个网站。”
- Is Robot Evolution Mirroring the Evolution of Life? 是机器人的演变镜像生命演化?
- They complained bitterly about the injustice of the system. 他们愤恨地抱怨制度不公平。
- The neutrino is rather peculiar and unique in the evolution of the universe. 中微子在宇宙演化过程中具有十分特殊的地位。