- Confucianism is one of the spiritual resources for us to solve the ecological crisis. 儒家思想是我们解决生态危机的精神资源之一。
- During the ecological crisis in cyber culture, the negative function of the loosing subjectivity, insolent and loosing control, all of these demands the reshape of subjectivity. 网络文化的生态危机,其实质是主体性发挥的失控,由此提出网络文化活动要“网络慎独”,回到自律、正确发挥主体性上来。
- Investigating the epic is helpful to improve the ecological ideology of modern people, which is important to solve the ecological crisis human beings face. 通过研究史诗所蕴涵的生态伦理传统,有助于提高现代人的生态意识,这对解决人类所面临的生态危机具有重要的现实意义。
- These points and information help us absorb wisdom and strength from Thorea's treasure-house of thoughts to solve the ecological crisis today. 这些观点材料有助于我们在生态现实危机重重的今天,从梭罗这位生态启蒙者的思想宝库中汲取智慧和力量。
- The ecological construction of human settlements environment hasbecomed a valid approach that we alleviated urban ecological crisis. 人居环境的生态化建设成为目前缓解城市生态危机最有效的途径。
- As a human phenominon,the ecological crisis derives from the contradictions between the infinity of ecosystem and the finity of human in supernaturally practical existing pattern. 生态危机作为属人现象,产生于人的超自然的实践存在方式中的人的有限性与生态系统的无限性之间的矛盾;
- Berry, Wendell. "The Ecological Crisis as a Crisis of Character." In The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture. San Francisco, Calif.: Sierra Club Books, 1977. 温德尔·贝瑞:“生态危机的典型特征”,选自《美国的不安:文化与农业》,第17-26页。
- This paper points out that the anthropocentrism is the sin source of ecological crisis,and probes into the necessity of constructing the ecological civilization. 指出了人类中心主义是生态危机的"罪恶之源",探讨了建立生态文明的必然性。
- The Ecological Marxism is one of the main school in Western Marxism nowadays,has been put forward its views,facing the protrude ecological crisis in contemporary times. “生态马克思主义”是当今西方马克思主义的一个主要流派。面对凸显的现代生态危机,“生态马克思主义”提出了自己的见解。
- Who Make the Ecological and Environmental Crisis? 谁制造了生态与环境灾害?
- Many scholars reflect on the roots of the ecologic crisis from different angles. 许多学者纷纷从不同角度思考环境危机产生的根源。
- Lust Consumerism and the Ecological Crisis 欲望消费与生态危机
- On the Ecological Crisis in China 论中国生态危机
- The ecological era has come to the earth of China. 生态时代已降临中华大地。
- The ethical thinking about the ecological crisis in Yunnan minority nationalities'region 云南少数民族地区生态危机的伦理思考
- Introspecting the Marxist Theory of Knowledge on Practical Objects from the Ecological Crisis 从生态危机反思马克思主义哲学对实践客体的认识
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- Whole chains of the ecology were being destroyed. 整个生态系统链正在遭到破坏。
- The ecology of syrmaticus Ellioti swinhoe[J]. 白颈长尾雉的生态研究[J]。