- It vails to found the credit system of Socialistic Market Economy on practice. 在实践上有利于建立健全社会主义市场经济的信用制度;
- The school year system data attribute is unitary while the credit system data attribute is multiplex by analyzing the data element attribute. 摘要从数据元素的属性上分析,学年制的数据属性比较单一,学分制的数据属性具有多样性。
- The second part clarifies several conceptions, such as credit, the credit system, the academic year. 第二部分,对学分、学分制、学年制、学年学分制等几个概念进行界定。
- The credit system as teaching management is accordant with the development of modern education. 学分制是符合现代教育理念的一种教学管理制度,顺应历史的发展潮流。
- The credit system is a teaching administration system which evaluates students' academic performance on a credit basis. 摘要学分制是一种以学分为计量单位衡量学生学业完成状况的教学管理制度。
- To study the credit system construction of market economy, undoubtedly, has great theory meaning and realistic meaning. 研究市场经济信用体系建设,无疑具有极大的理论意义和现实意义。
- In the optimists' view, the credit system, juiced by over $1 trillion in government aid, is repairing itself. 在乐观派的眼里,受政府1万多亿美元救助资金的支持,银行体系正在自行修复。
- PCCC is the first one to launch the credit system among institutions of higher education in China. 在全国高校中率先推出先进的完全学分制。
- Design and Implementation of Courses Arraying System in the Credit System Based on . 首页 >计算机与自动化 >基于.
- The private credit system,part of the credit system in market economy countries,is the premise and the basis for the development of consumption credit. 个人信用制度是大力拓展消费信贷业务的基础和前提,也是市场经济国家信用制度体系的重要组成部分。
- She was given the credit for what I had done. 事情是我做的,她却受到称赞。
- The proposition of "Anti-Gresham's Law" makes people reexamine the competition of the currency in the credit system of paper currency. “逆格雷欣法则”的提出将使人们重新审视在信用纸币制度下的货币竞争问题。
- Is the credit at sight or after sight? 信用证是即期的还是远期的?
- Changing the mind of teachers and practicing teaching reform and innovating is combined with teaching quality of the credit system directly. 教师如何改变观念,进行教学改革与创新,直接关系到学分制的教学质量。
- The credit system is a kind of new higher education management system.Today, with the growing Hi-Tech, it should be implemented imperatively. 摘要学分制是一种新的高等教育管理制度,在高科技日益发展的今天,其实施势在必行。
- Money put into the credit cards is at call. 划入信用卡的钱可以随时支取。
- The condition changes an evolution the process,This had decided the credit system consummation also is an evolution process. 条件变化一个渐进的过程,这就决定了学分制的完善也是一个渐进的过程。
- Practicing the credit system in colleges is an important measure in teaching reform,enhancing teaching management,and improving teaching quality. 推行学分制是高校改革、完善和加强教学管理制度、提高教学质量的一项迫切而重要的措施。
- The author hopes to enrich the relearn theories about the credit system in China and to make a reference for a new turn credit system reform. 本研究的目的,一是丰富国内学分制研究的相关理论,二是希望能为新一轮的高校学分制改革提供可资借鉴的依据。
- If saving system is a point of departure,loaning credit system will be deep and perfect,then the credit exchange mechanism will be its higher state. 如果说存分机制建设是起点,贷分机制就是其深化、完善,学分兑换机制则是其更高境界。