- the constant of Boltzmann 玻尔兹曼常量
- The constant threat of danger keep us all on our toes. 我们因随时都会发生危险而保持警觉。
- The constant threat of danger kept us all on our toes. 我们因随时都会发生危险而保持警觉。
- The stones had been worn smooth by the constant flow of water. 这些石头不断经流水冲刷已很光滑。
- The constant noise of air craft flying overhead gets on everyone's nerves. 连续不断的习机轰鸣声老在头上响着,使得人人心烦意乱。
- She feels wearisome by the constant noise. 她很厌烦那些没完没了的嘈杂声。
- The spring constant of a spring. 弹簧的弹性常数。
- She was wearied by the constant noise. 她很厌烦那些没完没了的噪杂声。
- The constant shaking of the car sent me off. 车不停地晃来晃去使我睡着了。
- The constant of electrostatic charge decay time is a important physical quantity that can describe the electrostatics property of materials. 静电衰减时间常数是定量描述材料静电性能的重要物理量,可以通过测量静电电荷衰减时间达到测量静电的目的。
- The constant of electrostatic charge decay time is an important physical quantity that can describe the electrostatics property of materials. 静电衰减时间常数是定量描述材料静电性能的重要物理量,可以通过测量静电电荷衰减时间达到测量静电的目的。
- Of the string added to the constant pool. 返回添加到常数池中的字符串的。
- Because the redshift measures the receding speed, the constant of proportionality between distance and velocity, the Hubble constant, can be calculated. 自1989年以来,天文学家已经确认五个多重类星体系统中有微透镜现象。
- The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise. 住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。
- The constant cadence of surf lulled us to sleep. 持久而有节奏的海浪声使我们睡着了。
- We are weared of the constant quarrel. 我们对没完没了的争吵不耐烦了。
- The constant ups and downs of daily strife. 不断起伏日常纷争.
- We're under the constant threat of job losses. 我们总是处于失业的威胁之下。
- As to the non-linear process of the system, we calculate the constant of the vapor-liquid equilibrium by making use of the Modified UNIFAC Method(Dortmund) to solve the problem of the lack of experimental data. 在此针对体系的非理想过程,采用改进UNIFAC(Dortmund)基团贡献法计算汽液平衡常数,解决了实验数据不足造成的局限。
- Temperature, pH and concentration of solution not only have influence on the ratio of products of acidolysis, but also on the constant of reaction rate in the process of acidolysis. 本文给出了介质pH值、浓度和温度对酸解速率常数的影响规律.