- Zhong You, a native of Changshe (present Changge County in Henan Province), was an officer of the Wei Dynasty (220-265). 钟繇(151-230)字元常,颖川长社(今河南长葛县东)人,曹魏时期,官至太傅。
- between the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty 魏晋之际
- A Survey of the Aesthetics in the Han and the Wei Dynasty 汉魏美学概观
- Recovery and Development of the Yeoman Economy in the Wei Dynasty 曹魏自耕农经济的恢复与发展
- On Lao Zi's Theory of the Wei and Jin Dynas. 魏晋老学初探。
- Evolution of the economic body in Hexi Corridor between the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty 魏晋之际河西走廊经济主体的演变
- "Qing": the idea of social life of the intellectuals in the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty "清":魏晋士人的社会生活理念
- Geographical Character and General Fighting Plan of the Wei Dynasty in the Prophase of the Warring States Period 魏在战国前期的地理特征与作战方略
- Rebuilding Ceremonial System in the Wei Dynasty and the Academic Background of Wang Can's Family 王粲典定朝仪与其家世学术背景考述
- Change in Personality and Integration of Iife--Recent comment on poetry about immortals in the Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty 性格裂变与生命整合--魏晋游仙诗新论
- "Doing Something in Cultivation and Saving Something for Military Use"--A Study on Basic Policy on Finance Construction in the Wei Dynasty "修耕植,蓄军资"--曹魏财政建设基本方针述论
- When the Northern Wei Dynasty Qinzhou South East Yizhou Wudu County. 北魏时为南秦州,东益州武都郡。
- The Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) set up Shanshan and Yanqi garrison commands to strengthen its administration of the Western Regions. 北魏王朝设置鄯善镇、焉耆镇,加强对西域的治理。
- History of the Wei Dynasty 魏氏春秋
- the Wei Dynasty 曹魏
- Tong guan is the meeting of the Yellow River and the Wei River. 潼关是黄河和渭水的会合处。
- The dancers' images are varied, ranging from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. 其中乐舞形象自成体系,琳琅满目,自北魏至元代,均有乐舞形象留存,
- People nature can think of the Wei bavin of backside. 人们自然会想到背后的潍柴。
- Taiwu Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty was the de facto inaugurator of the hanization of the Northern Wei Dynasty. 太武帝实是北魏汉化的开创者 ,但在这时 ,汉化还刚刚起步 ,充满了矛盾 ,且历经曲折。
- In Yuan Shao's Tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty, there are two figures of ethnic hu people. 北魏元邵墓有两件"胡人俑"