- Cao Cao (155-220 AD) was an outstanding statesman, strategist and man of letters of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. 曹操(公元155-公元220)是东汉末年的杰出的政治家、军事家、和文学家。
- There were many folk Fus in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and they affected literators' works. 民间赋创作在东汉末年应该是繁盛的,并且对文人赋的创作有较大影响。
- Museum exhibits a true reproduction of the human history of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and then the three countries Chibi Aobing the spectacular scenes. 馆内的展品真实地再现了东汉末年的人文历史和当时三国赤壁鏖兵的壮观场面。
- The political prose, after a short prosperity in Western Han Dynasty when many such great writers as Jia Yi, Chao Cuo, Liu Xiang appeared, had not been declined until the late Eastern Han Dynasty. 摘要政论散文经历了西汉的繁荣,出现了贾谊、晁错、刘向等众多政论大家,至东汉后期政论呈现衰弱,而多种文体得以创新。
- Early Five-Character Verses and the Costom in the late Eastern Han Dynasty 早期五言思、别诗与东汉末年的游学、游宦风气
- On the Trends of Lyricalness and Interest in Fu Creations in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty 论汉末赋体创作中抒情化与趣味化的发展
- On the Debate Between Present and Ancient Study of Confucian Classics and Its Prosperity and Decline during the Late Eastern Han Dynasty 东汉中后期的今古文经学之争及其盛衰变化
- the Late Eastern Han Dynasty 东汉
- The life consciousness by intoning short lives came into being after the old tradition being abandoned by the literary men in late Eastern Han Dynasty. 这种忧叹人生短促的生命意识是在旧有价值被东汉末文人否定的过程中产生的。
- in the late Eastern Han Dynasty 东汉末期
- After giving the definition, this part argues that the literature consciousness originates from the middle and late Eastern Han Dynasty and maturates in Jian"an Period. 在对文学自觉进行界定后,本文认为文学自觉肇始于东汉中后期,成熟于建安时期。
- Cao Cao who lived in the perilous late Eastern Han dynasty had unified the north of China by his remarkable ability of military and administration to conquer separatist warlords, so as to lay a solid foundation for unifyingl the whole country. 摘要生当东汉末年的曹操,在当时极其险恶的社会环境中,以其卓越的军事和政治才干,扫灭群雄,统一北方,为中国由乱而治、从分到合奠定了坚实的基础。
- literary men in late Eastern Han Dynasty 东汉末文人
- Legend of the late Eastern Han, Wei Ling Jiang Zi, Mo (equivalent to official mayor of Nanjing City), Shuaibing to chase robbers at the foot of Zhongshan, who died heroically. 传说东汉末年,秣陵尉蒋子文(官职相当于南京市市长),率兵追逐强盗至钟山脚下,英勇战死。
- The later stage of Eastern Han Dynasty 东汉后期
- The history of pu-erh tea can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty. 有关普洱的历史可以追溯到东汉时期。
- Mature celadon was achieved in the first century A.D. (Eastern Han dynasty). 成熟的青瓷约在公元一世纪的东汉时期烧造成功。
- Boling Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei Bo Lu said, the Northern Wei renamed Boye Xian. 东汉为博陵,魏称博陆,北魏改名博野县。
- later Eastern Han Dynasty 汉末
- In the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD25~AD220),Weiqi players were divided into higher,middle and lower grades. 在东汉时期(AD25~AD220),围棋手按其水平被分成高、中、低三个段位。